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"I have a girlfriend now, Mummy," Emma says, dropping her colouring book on the kitchen counter and dragging the chair along.

"Yea?" Harry asks, trying to figure out what to cook tomorrow. He'll need to get groceries and Zain might come over again so he doesn't want something too boring. "You done playing with the others?"

"Yea," Emma nods, kneeling on the chair and starting to colour. "She's called Lizzie and I told her it was weird but she said it's because of some book her mummy likes."

"Okay," Harry says, adding bell peppers to his shopping list. "She's in your class?"

"No," Emma shakes her head. "But we play together during breaks. I'm gonna wear my green dress tomorrow because I wanna show her the dinosaurs on it. She says she's never had a dress with dinosaurs on it! That's so boring!"

"Grandma made you that dress," Harry says, smiling at Zain when he comes inside, hair messy from running around outside for half the afternoon. "Because we couldn't find any with dinosaurs, remember?"

"No," Emma says, unconcerned. "She's gonna wear green tomorrow as well, so everyone will know we're girlfriends," she adds like she's imparting the wisdom of the world on Harry.

"That sounds nice," Harry agrees, tilting his head to let Zain kiss his cheek.

"We don't kiss, though," Emma says, looking at them critically. "That's gross."

"Thanks, baby," Harry says, trying to bite back a laugh. "Emma has a girlfriend," he explains to Zain, brushing his lips over Zain's cheek - because he can.

"She has red hair and her favourite colour is purple," Emma explains right away. "It's not mine but it's ok."

"What's her second favourite colour?" Zain asks, leaning his elbows on the counter to look at her. "Is it a good colour?"

"It's blue," Emma nods. "My second favourite is blue as well and we don't like pink because it's boring."

"You have loads in common then," Zain nods seriously.

Emma beams at him, nodding as well. "Do you wanna colour?" she asks. "You can do the elephant."

"Thank you," Zain says, moving past Harry and running his hand over his waist. "I could use a break, your brother is very quick."

"Yea," Emma shrugs. "I'm better, though. The elephant has to be grey but I don't have grey so I use blue."

"Okay," Zain nods, taking the blue pencil.

They bend over the book together, colouring. Emma sings along to the radio quietly, like she always does, wiggling around a bit, happy. Zain doesn't seem like he is just going through the motions, or bored. He looks like he is perfectly happy to colour with Emma singing right into his ear.

"Inside the lines!" Emma admonishes him.

"Sorry, beta," Zain says and grins at Harry, all teeth and crinkly eyes.

Harry has to shake himself out of watching him, turning back to his recipe book, heart in his throat.


"I'll see you tomorrow," Zain says, cupping Harry's cheeks and kissing him softly. "Call me once later?"

"Yea," Harry says, leaning in for another kiss. He feels like a teenager with his first crush, not even wanting to give up kissing for a second.

"I had an idea about next weekend," Zain says, checking over his shoulders to make sure Laila was still asleep in her car seat. It was ridiculous that it just endeared him more to Harry.

"We could go down to that farm - I forgot the name. But they have a kinda educational thing going, petting zoo to get to know all the animals, gardens and such you can pick stuff at. I checked and they still do it this time of year. Mum heard about it from one of her colleagues and apparently it's great fun."

"That sounds nice," Harry nods, eyes fluttering closed when Zain leans in to kiss him again. "The kids will be happy."

"As a pig in mud," Zain says with a slight grin. "Literally probably."

"Probably," Harry nods, brushing his hands over Zain's shoulders. Everything Zain does or says just makes him want to ask him to stay, forever.

"I'm making Stuffed Peppers tomorrow," he says so he doesn't say something else. "You're coming over after school?"

"I'd like that," Zain nods, smiling slightly and leaning in to kiss Harry's cheek again. "I'll see you tomorrow, we'll talk later."

"Yes," Harry nods, pulling his cardigan around himself and watches Zain until the car has turned the corner before closing the door. Zain wouldn't take long to get home and then call - and that too made him feel like teenagers - so he'd best take his shower now.


short one, sorry

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