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The door rings while Mum is still fending off the chatter of both Jamie and Emma. She looks up at him at once, shooting Robin a mischievous look. 

"Is that him?" she asks, smirking a bit like Gemma does when she's particularly annoying.

"Who?" Harry asks innocently.

"It's Laila and Laila's baba," Emma, the traitor, announces. 

"Well, then you better open the door for Laila's baba," his mother says in a somewhat salacious tone.

Harry shudders, pulling a grimace at her even as he pushes himself up.

"Hi," Zain smiles when Harry opens the door.

Harry's knees go weak with it, still, because Zain's smile was just — too much. It makes him look both cute and even more handsome and Harry still does not know how to deal with it.

"Hi," he answers as Laila brushes past him with a greeting of her own, proprietary of his house as all children were as soon as they grew comfortable.

"Can I come in?" Zain asks, amused, reaching out to touch Harry's arm.

Harry blinks, startled from it and steps to the side, his cheeks burning.

"Wait," he says, grabbing Zain just in time.

"Hey," Zain says, leaning in to peck Harry's lips. It was a very acceptable response but not what Harry had been going for.

"Yea," he still says dumbly. "I mean—," he adds, shaking his head.

"My mum and stepdad are here," he says in a rush, stroking his thumb over Zain's wrist. "They want to watch the football game. And," he adds, watching Zain carefully. "Mum agreed to babysit if —"

"Oh, cool," Zain says, looking a bit startled.

"I know it's short notice," Harry says, awkwardly pulling on the sleeve of his jumper. "I forgot, to be honest. Emma couldn't find her grey stone again and Jamie grew again so we needed new shoes and Sophie is getting another tooth."

"It's fine," Zain says, squeezing Harry's hand. "I won't have a babysitter for Laila but you could still come over if you want. And you can bring Sophie, she'll want you if she's teething. Half the kids will still be calmer than all of them. Maybe," he adds, frowning like he isn't too sure himself.

Harry has to smile, squeezing Zain's hand back.

"We can do another day as well if you want," Harry offers, trying to look casual when he's definitely anything but. And really, when would his mum be able to come down the next time.

"It'll be nice, though, no? Spending time together?" Zain says quietly. "As long as you're prepared to answer all of Laila's questions about babies. I already answered all of them but she'll want to ask you again, probably. She's stubborn like that."

"All kids are," Harry sighs. His certainly were.

Zain grins at him, leaning into Harry's space. His teeth were very nice and even. And he always smelled so good.

"So?" Zain asks, lips brushing Harry's cheek. "Wanna come over after?"

"Yea," Harry nods, tilting his head towards Zain.

A crush from the living room reminds him of his chaos kids and his parents just next door.

"So. My mum is here," he repeats, pulling on his sweater again. "I'm sorry to spring that on you."

"That's fine," Zain says, flashing a quick smile. "Introduce me?"

"Yea, yes," Harry nods, feeling skittish as he watches Zain toe off his boots. He hesitates for a moment before offering Zain his hand, settling slightly as Zain's warm hand wraps around his.

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