"I always leave it in the same spot and it just went missing. It's been driving me crazy."

"That's strange Dayvon. Shit just doesn't 'go missing' especially money. You need to watch who you have around you."

"Nobody around me but Vee. She wouldn't just take it without saying nothing. I don't think."

"No, no, no boy don't you start doing that. Don't get paranoid. Look, hopefully you misplaced it and it will turn up." Ms. Frazier scorned before sliding another slice of lemon cake across the counter.

Dayvon sighed before putting a fork full of cake into his mouth.

The money coming up missing was something he could not let go of. Yea,the job was paying him, but that money was for a car and to keep him and Saavia's head afloat just in case.

His safety net was gone. And he felt too vulnerable. He promised himself and Saavia, he would never be in this place again.

"Dayvon we need you in room 211. Keycard not working." Ben's voice came through the walkie talkie attached to Von's hip.

"How has the job been?" He sighed.

"It's been a consistent check. That's the best I can say."

"Hang in there baby, better is coming for y'all." She gave him one last warm smile as he pushed the last bite of cake into his mouth.

"Thank you for the tip ma'am, you truly didn't have to

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"Thank you for the tip ma'am, you truly didn't have to." Von slid the $100 bill into his pocket, thanking the middle aged woman.

"No, thank you. My son is always knocking the door off the hinges when he gets one of his little attitudes." Von chuckled as the white woman rolled her bright blue eyes, shaking her head at the thought.

If I broke the door, my mama would beat my ass with the door then make me hang it back up. He thought to himself.

"Your girlfriend told me you work fast." He met her small smile with a confused look.

"You've met Saavia?" The woman then matched his confused look.

"No? Madison, she works here?"

"Nah, that's not my girlfriend. Just co-workers."

"Ohh, she told me-"

"Dayvon, room 93 has a flood."

"Thanks again ma'am." He stated before walking toward room 93.

On his way to the stairwell, Von stopped at a maintenance closet that held all the necessary tools to fix the flood.

He decided to stop by his room on the way to the mess just to check in with Saavia.

As he approached the room he heard someone in the room with her.

"My man got this for me. Right after I put this good shit on him." The unfamiliar voice giggled.

Not wanting to interrupt girl talk, he decided to go back to work.

Saavia took note that the necklace that hung around her neck looked very similar to the necklace Dayvon had given her two months after he came home from prison

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Saavia took note that the necklace that hung around her neck looked very similar to the necklace Dayvon had given her two months after he came home from prison.

She was far from stupid, but it was too early and not enough evidence to make accusations. Not wanting to risk Dayvon losing his job and losing a place to stay, she considered it a coincidence.

For now.

"I see you're part of the team for the Boohoo fashion show, congratulations." Saavia smiled at the thought of her first big project. She was nervous, but mostly excited.

It's crazy how social media basically blew her up overnight. She was just doing $20 styles, now she's at half a million followers and known as one of the best.

"Yea, it's cool." She kept her answer short. Something about Madison just wasn't adding up, and she didn't want to open up to the girl at all.

"It's more than cool. There are some really talented people out here and they chose you."

"Excuse me?" Saavia held Madison's unfinished ponytail in the ball of her hand, forcing Madison to look Saavia in the face.

"I'm just saying, you got picked over a lot of people." Madison hissed at the tight grip Saavia had.

Taking a deep breath, Saavia let go of the ponytail and began to wrap it.

"My work speaks for itself." Wanting to leave it at that, she turned the volume on the television up.

"This show is so ghetto. All these kind of girls do is argue and fight all day. They act like gangsters." Madison's face turned up at the sight of the latest episode of Real Housewives of Atlanta.

Saavia remained quiet, wanting to finish her hair as quickly as possible.

"I like Beverly Hills and Potomac. It's just better. None of the hood rat stuff."

Saavia took her Got2Be spray and styled her baby hairs, not forgetting to 'accidentally' spray a little in Madison's face.

"Ah, it got in my mouth." Still ignoring her, Saavia swooped her last bit of baby hairs before snatching the cape off.

"Done." Was all she said as she unplugged her flat iron.

Out of the corner of her eye she could see Madison rolling her eyes before digging inside of her purse.

"Oh my, it seems like I forgot my cash. Let me go grab it."

"Cash app will work."

"I don't use cash app, it's just in my car, I'll be right back." Saavia shook her head as the girl quickly left the room.

This will be her first and last time.

Im baaaaaackkkkkkkkk
Drama is slowly coming
Who took their money?
Ms. Frazier always got something for Von to eat
How do y'all think this boohoo fashion show is gonna go?

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