Start from the beginning

"The second word to spell is, Pharaoh." Darkest say's, Ilyas pressing his button. "Pharaoh?" Ilyas double-checks. "Pharaoh yes, and in the king of Egypt." Darkest nods.

"P-H-A-R-O-E." Ilyas spells out incorrectly making a buzzer go off. "It's okay Ilyas." Holly shouts as everyone starts laughing.

"So the first word is, Lose. Okay, just relax on the buzzer man." Darkest puts his hand on Kates's table after she hit the buzzer. "Sorry." Kate laughs. "L-O-S-E." The blonde spells out getting it correct. "Round of applause." Darkest tells everyone.

"How did she get that? That was me." Destini looks to Darkest as everyone claps. "Your second word to spell is Mississippi. Okay, not gonna lie Dest, um, I did say let me finish the word." Darkest scolds the girl. "I heard it tho, Mississippi." Destini shrugs. "No you heard miss, and then you buzzed." Darkest argues making everyone agree with him.

"But we'll give it to you, go on." He shrugs. "M-I..." Destini thinks. "That's a good start." Darkest laughs. "S. What have I said so far?" The girl asks. "You've said M I S." Darkest tells her. "M-I-S-S-I-P-P-I." Destini spells out, the wrong buzzer going off.

"What Missipi?" Grace asks.
"M-I-S-S-I-P-P-I." Destini spells out again, sure she's got it right. "I rea... I wanted you to get that one as well." Darkest tells her. "The next word, you guys have to spell. They look ready bruv, okay. Miscellaneous." Darkest says. "Huh? What does that mean?" Holly asks the man at the front of the room.

"I don't fucking know. I'm just reading what's on the cards." Darkest shrugs holding up the cards in his hands. "I don't play sims for nothing." Kate says before pressing the buzzer.

"M-I-S-C-H." Kate says getting it wrong. "A-L-L-E-O-U-S." She still goes. "I'm just gonna stop you there." Darkest tells her but she doesn't listen. "Kate for the love of god stop!" Darkest shouts when the girl carries on going.

"Chip and Liv, the first word is Labrador." Darkest tells them, Chip hitting the buzzer first. "L-A-B-R-A-D-O-R-E." Chip spells it out, making Holly look down and sigh.

"Why did you finish it!" Darkest shouts as everyone complains. "So your next word to spell is, onomatopoeia." The man says Liv pressing her button.

"Onomatopoeia. O-N-O-M-A-T-P. Ahh fucked it." She says as the buzzer goes off. "You did fuck it." Darkest nods looking at the girl.

"Max and Harry, the first word is, disaster." Darkest tells the boys. "I did it first, I did it first, I did it first." Max repeats holding his hands up, after hitting his buzzer.

"You did." Darkest nods. "He didn't even say the word." Harry complains. "Shush, shush. I swear I said it. No, no, no. D-I-S-A-S-T-E-R." Max spells out getting it correct.

"You didn't even say the word." Harry tells Darkest as Max dances in his seat. "I did say the word, I did." Darkest laughs.

"Specifically." Darkest tells the boys, their next word to spell. "Ohhh, it was a close one, but I have to say Harry hit that quickest." Holly says. "Specifically.S-P-E-C-I-F-I-C-A-L-L-Y." Harry spells out. "Did I get it right?" he asks darkest as the ting goes off. "I got it right!" He shouts proud of himself, as Darkest hugs him.

"Your first word to spell is, television." Darkest tells Rachel and Billy.
"T-E-L-E-V-I-S-I-O-N." Rachel spells correctly, after hitting the buzzer. "One point to Rachel." Darkest says while the girl does the Woah. "That was cringe." Holly mutters into her mic.

"Your final word, necessary." Darkest days. "N-E-C-E-S-S-A-R-I." Rachel spells it incorrectly making Billy cheer. "Repeat the word?" Billy tells Darkest. "Necessary." The man says. "Spell it quickly." Billy tries to get the answer. "No, no, no, no." Rachel shakes her hand.

They don't know about us ~ Josh LarkinWhere stories live. Discover now