Yeah is it a bitttt of a lie,yeasss but me staying at a friend's is a thousand percent true. Also wish she would stop calling me that.. See, recently I changed the nickname everyone called me to a more unisex name.. But it's taking time for everyone to catch on with it..

"Okay, I'm just glad your safe." Mom says while stroking my head.. And also massaging some of my pressure points to which I just melt in her arms.. Yeah I'm touch starved leave me alone.

But I'll get to Sun in a bit, I got college shit to do.. Oh did I forget to mention I'm in college.
Online schooling so I make my own hours, anyway. I have some job finding to do after that.

(Sun POV)

I watch as the kid, no sorry adult, crawl through the vents. They give me a peace sign, I think that's their way of saying bye.

Once they've left out the main doors, I go up to my room, the kiddos won't be here for another 2 hours. Plus N/N helped to keep the place spotless.. I honestly don't know how to feel about them right now.. No adults I've ever met were this kind and playful before. Even if they had that episode earlier. The parts and service crew always act like I'm an object. Many parents treat me the same or even downright insult me or just ignore me. I can't help but think they have ulterior motives.

*Hehehe of course they do, everyone doeeessss*

"SHUT UP, SHUT UP, SHUT UP," I yell while holding my rays..

I forgot to keep up my mental barrier again, Moony wouldn't have forgotten.. I should've been the one to get infected not him.. He could have stopped N/N from getting hurt, he would've been a far better caretaker... Why why why?

I wish I could emote, I wish I could cry.. I just want my brother back . I want the kids back..

I forgot.. the kids won't show up.. Today or any other day.. Fake moon drove them off.. I'm alone...

I'm shaking, I need someone anyone..

Maybe.. I could talk to N/N..


I just finished up my schoolwork today, and currently I am looking on the Freddy Fazbear Megaplex website. Whyyyy you may ask, cause I'ma get a damn job there. Granted I keep on getting up and pacing cause I swear every thought I have causes me the need to fucking stim.. But I am right now looking at the security jobs. Yeah I'm not exactly qualified, but my understanding is the company doesn't give a fucking shit.. Now you may be asking, why a night job wouldn't you not be able to see the Daycare well I have a plan..

From other workers here I have read they all do multiple jobs, like one is both a janitor and parts and service worker.. Granted they all complain about it, since they are worn thin, but I have an idea.

If I can prove to be a good worker (which since I'm Autistic is almost a guarantee) then maybe I could convince them to reopen the daycare if a worker is there..

Like to be a standin for Moon..

Yes, this is a brilliant idea, Because I made a dang promise, and I intend to keep it.

After this train of thought I stand up and just start stimming cause of course I have to.

Just as I'm about to put on my wireless Cat headphones to dance, Fazwatch vibrates not just that but I hear the daycare theme...

Yep that settles it I'm finding that song online, it's such a dang bop.

I rush over to the watch.

Helllooo friennndd, can we talk ☀️

Yeah, sure bout what 🏵️

Okay soooo, I'm having a timeee here, buttt let's say a friend isss having a hard time believing in themselves and the good they do. And thinks they're a burden. With no value. How do I help☀️

Wow, honestly.. All you can do is offer support,  give examples of how they are helpful and ways they could help more if they really need to 🏵️

Okay, thank friends sorry for bothering you I know you're probably really really busy right now with being an adult and everything, okay byeeee ☀️

Bye 🏵️

I smile at that.. I hope Sun's friend feels better about themself. Though do they really think I'm a busy person just cause I'm an adult.. I'll talk to them about that later.

Okay back to my dance and stimming at the same time.

Author note

So I finally put in officially the y/n character being autistic, though I am making a quick clarification the side of the expression area they are on is over expression and loudness by default.. I'll get to it later.. Also if you're not autistic and reading this. Hope this gives some clarification on y/n, *also why I wrote them not realizing Sun was lying his pants off at the end there.* I hope everyone has a good time reading this.

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