Chapter 7: Investigating the auction

Comenzar desde el principio

"Please, have a seat," the representative offered. He poured me a glass of wine and offered it to me.

I took the glass as I sat down on the chair. I took a sip of the wine and it had a very exquisite taste and aroma to it, compared to the red wine Calli enjoys.

"I have to ask, sir. How does it feel to represent your company in the upcoming events that await you at this hotel?" I asked, taking out my phone, pretending to record his response.

"Well, it feels honorable to represent such a huge name in the industry. Hakizura Corporations, after all, aims to be at the top of the world," the man said with so much confidence.

"Very interesting... Another question. How do you see the future of the company?" I followed up.

"Well I can't say for sure. But what I can say is that we might achieve a breakthrough in the medical industry," the man claimed.

"Is it possible for us to get a sneak peek at this achievement?" I requested.

"Sorry, but it will remain a company secret until further notice," the man refused.

"I see," I replied. "Mr. Representative, I heard rumors about something called a 'Re-humanization Program' happening at Hakizura Corporations. What is your take on this, sir?"

The man paused for a while. I took a drink from my glass as I waited for his response.

"Re-humanization? Sounds absurd to me," the man responded. "If such program existed, I would've known about it, and told you a few details about it. Or told you that I can't reveal such program to the public."

That's strange. He showed no signs of hiding something. Either this man was really good at lying, or he doesn't know about it. The way he responded sounded so certain that he knew nothing. But I'll give him the benefit of the doubt.

"Rumors claim that this program aims to turn non-humans into humans again, through the help of the corporation's technology," I stated.

"That sounds a bit racist, don't you think? It promotes a race above another, and I believe that my company wouldn't stand for that," the man said firmly.

I finished my drink and grabbed the bottle to pour me some more wine into my glass. I stood up from my seat as I poured the wine.

"I want to thank you for your time, Mr. Representative," I said.

I flipped the bottle in my hand, like I was holding a weapon, and swung it at the guard's head at an insane speed. The bottle break and it caved the guard's head in. A lot of the wine stained my white polo shirt and coat, but my coat didn't absorb the liquid.

I looked back at the man to see a face of pure horror.

"Hey! What's going o-" I grabbed the other bodyguard, who just entered the room, by his mouth and threw him to my chair. I stabbed the broken bottle on their head.

I looked back at the man, and he was just frozen in fear. I had single-handedly killed two of his bodyguards.

"W-what d-do you want f-from me!?" The man trembled.

"You're gonna go in that auction without knowing what'd happen to those you will buy," I replied.

"A-auction???" The man asked. "H-how do you know about it, and what will happen to them?"

There I realized that this guy knew nothing of Hakizura's wrongdoings. Hakizura was about to throw a clueless gazelle into a lion's den. However, he can't live since he'll alert the guards and the auction will be called off.

I approached the man and made a finger gun gesture close to his left chest— my two fingers were touching his chest. I could feel his heavy breathing and heartbeat against my fingers. I saw the intense fear in his eyes and his face pouring out sweat like a cold can of beer under the hot sun.

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