"Okay," Suyin responded faintly. However, her eyelids weighed down. Her legs lost their senses for a second. Suyin recognized her head whirling, tilting her whole figure–a stage before possibly fainting again. "Jungwon–"

"Shh, I got you." Jungwon's hand caught her shoulder, holding her steady. A shadow hovered over Suyin's closed eyelids, releasing a familiar yet refreshing remedy to her unpleasant cramp.

Suyin exhaled slowly, feeling the agony draining away. The ametrine sought the headache faster than the previous crystal. As a short time passed, her headache disappeared. Suyin lifted her eyes, catching a glimpse of Jungwon's hand lowering from her head. He tapped the back of his hand on her forehead.

"What's going on with you?" Jungwon pondered, searching for any more signs of an aching cold.

"I don't know..." Suyin trailed off. Out of the blue, the same unknown nostalgia from earlier splashed her thoughts. Was she carrying a forgotten memory? It felt like a dream arriving and leaving constantly. An ocean of black flooded her views, but it washed away back to sea without saying goodbye.

The team became curious, watching Suyin freeze up in her mind. Suyin glanced at everyone's bewildered expressions and shook her head. "I'm sorry," Suyin apologized. She stepped forward. "My headache is gone now, and we need to keep going."

The team remained unmoved, hesitant to continue.

"Hold on," Jungwon said, catching Suyin by the wrist. "Are you...sure?"

"About what?"

Jungwon took a glimpse of the boys before refocusing on Suyin. He stepped closer. "Are you sure you're okay?" He asked in a hushed tone.

Suyin gave him a nod. "Yes, I promise that I'm fine for now," Suyin answered and removed his hold, proceeding onward. Despite the momentary weariness, the rest of the boys followed her motion.

In Suyin's peripheral vision, she noticed how Jungwon crossed his arms while catching up to her side. She stole a quick glimpse of his troubled expression.

"Thank you, again," Suyin mumbled. "I most likely would've blacked out."

"It's nothing." Jungwon averted his eyes. "But are you...positive nothing more is wrong?"

Suyin thought about the mysterious memory that refused to reveal itself every time she got a headache, but she brushed it off. "Jungwon, you look as if I'm bleeding out my life."

Jungwon side-eyed her and tightened his arms. "That is so exaggerated," Jungwon deadpanned.

Suyin shrugged, displaying a cheeky grin. "No need for worries, Won. I'll be fine now, especially since I have my personal healer."

"Personal healer?"

"Well, considering how you studied a new healing technique just for me..."

"Don't make me flick your forehead again." Jungwon rolled his eyes. Suyin chortled, but she flinched as his hand lifted as a warning.

"You're so rude," Suyin muttered.

"Only to you."

"Is that supposed to make me feel special?" Suyin desired to wipe the smirk off his face.

Jungwon eventually fell behind, conversing with some of the other boys. Surprisingly, Suyin was able to stride ahead. While continuing her path, Jay's heat could only hang onto Suyin's skin for so long. It eventually withered away, stolen by the mountains' desperate breaths. Suyin folded her arms securely and endured the frosty chills crawling back.

She detected the sound of footsteps approaching her from behind, expecting Jungwon's voice to enter. However, the silence rang longer than she thought it would. Suyin's body began to ease up, and she assumed she was finally getting accustomed to the cold. Suyin soon realized it was warmth fluttering across her skin.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐃𝐎𝐖'𝐒 𝐃𝐀𝐔𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐄𝐑 | JungwonOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz