war between heroes and villains

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We see a city having a peaceful day but then gigantomachia appears and charges at the city and heroes see it and try to stop gigantomachia but gigantomachia just destroys them and both izuku and tomura appeared but this time it's different because tomura has all the quirks of all for one and some extra quirks

Izuku then goes to the streets and starts walking and izuku danger sense detects something and izuku dodges a explosion and the explosion was from katsuki in some techno suit and izuku then says

Izuku:nice suit katsuki and the others might aswell show themselves it's no point hiding and trying to do a sneak attack when the enemy can detect danger

Izumi , shoto , shoka and ochako then appear but with new suits that were also techno and izuku then says

Izuku:what's with the new suits
Izumi:they are designed to take out all for one and you brother

Izuku:good to know sister but why do I sense bits of one for all in each of you

Shoto:what do you mean?

Izuku;when I was given blackwhip, fu Jin , danger sense and smokescreen it also gave me some odd ability to know the location of one for all but when I use it I see it's in all of you so it's best to start explaining *using nemoto quirk*

Ochako:these suits were also designed to transfer bits of one for all to the other user and it enhances are quirks *covers mouth*

Izuku:good use of nemoto quirk

Izuku:I stole a guy who can make a person reveal stuff about people and I say it's very useful

Shoto:well shit

Izuku:well let's go to a suitable place to fight
Shoka;wait what
Katsumi:yeah I'm confused

Izuku:well this ain't a good place for are final fight to happen and besides I know the right area

Izuku uses warp gate and makes a large portal and walks threw it and the others walk threw it in confusion and appear at a park and izuku says

Izuku:do you remember this place

Katsuki:hell no
Shoto:what is this place

Izuku:this place is where we all first met when we were 3 years old

Izumi:wait what how do you remember that!?
Izuku:I have a photographic memory

Izuku:and if I remember the last time we were ever here we left something buried

Izuku then looks at the area where they buried the thing and see a tree in its place and izuku goes to it and uses overhaul on it and then digs out some little box and pulls it out from the dirt

Izuku:good this is the thing

Izuku shows a handkerchief and it has izuku , Izumi , ochako , shoka , katsumi , katsuki , shoto and iida names on it and izuku says

Izuku;this hankerchief was the omen of friendship we had when we were three years old and now the promise to be friends forever is gone

Izuku then burns the handkerchief and uses warp gate to summon Savitar and commands Savitar to stay still and Izuku then says

Izuku:that nomu over there is tenya iida by the way

Izuku:after killing him I turned him into a nomu like I will do to all of you's after I've killed you's

Izuku then puts his hood up and mask on and says

Izuku;let's have are final battle heroes

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