First mission

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It's been a week since izuku joined the lov and got three quirks and learned how to use them but your wondering how can he handle 3 quirks well it's because of his body it can handle 8 quirks and so izuku can hold 8 quirks unless he gets a regulator type quirk

We see izuku just flipping a knife in his fingers and then korogiri comes and says


Izuku:yes Korogiri
Korogiri:master has requested you


Korogiri makes a portal and izuku walks threw and comes to see all for one and izuku says

Izuku:what do you need boss
All for one:well you see izuku I have a mission for you

Izuku:and this mission is?

All for one:I want you to get rid of this vigilante called robin and do whatever you want as long as you kill him


Izuku then walks out the building and goes threw the streets and a hour later he finds the robin that all for one mentioned and so izuku makes a baseball bat out of ice and hits the back of robin head real hard and writes a note on the location

Izuku takes robin to a abandoned facility no one using and he had known about this place a while ago and so izuku ties robin to a chair and when he wakes izuku appears with a crowbar and says

Izuku:where does it hurt front or back

Izuku then hits robin with a crowbar and starts torturing him with a crowbar and after 30 minutes of senselessly beating the hell out of robin izuku shows a bomb and activates the timer and leaves the facility

Once he leaves the place izuku hides in a bush and see some sort of odd looking car come out and a man with a bat costume comes out and runs to the facility but it was too late because the bomb exploded killing the robin and izuku then leaves the area and heads back to all for one

When izuku arrives at all for one area all for one asks

All for one:how did it go
Izuku:how can you be sure I succeeded

All for one:you sound very happy so I guess you succeeded your mission

Izuku;well I tortured robin with a crowbar and then put him in a room with a bomb and well he died of course but I also got his name

All for one;what was it
Izuku:it was Jason Todd

(You know where this is gonna go)

All for one:well you have succeeded your first mission now tomorrow we are getting 3 new members to the league


All for one then sends izuku back to the bar and izuku goes to his room and just goes to sleep

The end

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