Kamino ward battle

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Izuku:let's see who wins heroes

Kamui woods grabs izuku with wood tentacles and all might see Izumi and breaks her out of her restraints and see she still unconscious and all might then looks at izuku angrily and says

All might:what did you do to my little girl you villain

Izuku;that's rich coming from you

Izuku:(sarcastic)oh look at you your so intimidating

Kamui wood then tighten his grasp on izuku and izuku says

Izuku:I bathed in pain so you thinking crushing me with your little wood tentacles will get me to speak

Kamui wood:what are you talking about?
Izuku:oh you will all know soon but not right now

Kamui wood:where the rest of the league

Izuku:in nonya
Kamui wood;what's nonya
Izuku;it's none your business dumbass

Kamui wood:grrr

Grand torino;let's take off his mask and see who he is

Grand Torino starts walking towards and was gonna touch izuku mask and izuku then says

Izuku:you know for a raid you still don't have the numbers

All might:what are you talking about their five heroes and 20 police officers and there only you here

Izuku;wrong because I ain't alone

Kamui wood:what's he talki-

Suddenly nomu's burst out the ground and one nomu bites kamui wood leg and izuku then laughs and Savitar burst out of the floor and punches all might weak spot

Izuku:hey wanna know something funny assmight

All might;what is it villain
Izuku:the nomu that punched you is tenya iida dead corpse

All might:what!

Izuku:yeah I killed tenya iida and turned his corpse into a nomu which I called Savitar

Izuku's then freezes the wood around him and breaks out and endeavour comes in and izuku uses lighting to electrocute him and it sends endeavour into another building and suddenly a grey portal takes Izumi away and all might jumps to the other base

Savitar punches grand torino head into the wall and it knocks the old man out and izuku then pulls out a knife and edgeshot tries to surprise attack izuku but izuku dodges and electrocutes Edgeshot

Once Edgeshot real body formed izuku uses a knife and slices Edgeshot throat out and izuku then looks to kamui woods and see that he is slowly getting torn apart by nomu's and kamui wood died due to being torn apart

After that izuku then goes to the other base and Savitar follows and izuku see all might struggling with all for one and izuku looks at all for one and all for one does a nod to izuku and all might notice this and says

All might:what are you two talking about
All for one:well you know tomura shigaraki

All might:yeah?
All for one:he is nana shimura grandson and is sinister cousin

All might falls to his knees in shock and all for one then chuckles and says

All for one;and you created a villain as well
Izuku:yeah you did

All might:who are you maybe I can see who you are

Izuku;you probably have forgotten me before the fire

All might;fire what fire?

Izuku:oh the one that killed me
All might;who are you

Izuku:you really have forgotten *takes mask off* father

All might eyes widen due to the fact that his son was alive and was a villain from the neglect he caused

Izuku:you like what you caused all might you neglected your son over something as simple as being quirkless when you were quirkless too and so the hero that was in me died in that fire and a villain was born from the ashes of the hero

All might;why son why did you become a villain

Izuku:did you not hear me , Jesus Christ you are a idiot
All for one:yeah now let's kill him

Izuku:yes let's kill him

Izuku then dodges a ball of fire shot from endeavour and izuku then says to all for one

Izuku:ok let me take care of the rest of the trash

Izuku flies towards endeavour and endeavour shoots a giant wave of fire but izuku dodges and turns his hand into a mantis claw and stabs endeavour eye and while endeavour was screaming in pain izuku uses Aizawa quirk and grabs endeavour throat

Izuku then chokes endeavour for 20 seconds izuku then throws endeavour the the destroyed building and it kills endeavour and izuku then widens his eyes and says

Izuku;shit dabi gonna be pissed because I stole his kill

Izuku then turns around and see that all might beat all for one and izuku goes behind all might and makes a fire spear and stabs all might heart killing the number one hero and after killing him izuku then thinks of a idea and once he see the helicopter he then says

Izuku:well ladies and gentlemen I am gonna tell you a family secret and that is one for all

Izuku then explains all of one for all to the public and people are surprised

izuku then grabs all might corpse and Savitar appears with endeavour corpse and izuku grabs onto Savitar shoulder and Savitar takes izuku to the villains base with all his speed quirks and izuku uses smoke screen to make sure no one noticed and once they arrive at the base izuku see toga vomiting

Izuku drops all might corpse and runs to toga and hugs her and then uses cell booster to enhance his cells and hears two heartbeats and izuku was smiling because toga was pregnant with his kid

Izuku:so your pregnant
Toga;you ain't gonna leave me right

Izuku hugs toga tighter and says

Izuku:no because I promised myself I'd be 100 times the father all might was

Kota/eri:so we are having a little sibling


Dabi:you killed endeavour and I never got to
Izuku:I have a plan with the corpse
Dabi:ok but this place ain't the right environment for a kid

Izuku;ehh because this place is just a cover the real base

Izuku then goes to the boxes and then finds a lever and suddenly a trapdoor appears and all the league of villains go down it and they see a gigantic base with hundreds of rooms and this caught everyone surprise

Izuku:let's get some rest now and Savitar take all might and endeavour corpses to the lab I have plans with their corpses

Savitar does as commanded and takes the corpses to the lab And everyone goes to their rooms and izuku and toga share a room and so do eri and kota and the next day izuku was gonna have one heck of a surprise

The end

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