Joining the league of villains

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We see izuku im his room packing his stuff with a angered face and says

Izuku:stupid fucking all might saying I'm not worthy of his power and saying that I don't have the heart of a hero and I hate my entire fucking life because I get neglected by everyone and bullied by my so called friends

After packing his stuff izuku then grabs his bag and leaves the yagi household

After leaving izuku is walking on the streets but then see a hospital on fire and see people trapped inside the burning hospital and izuku then says

Izuku:why am I doing this

Izuku then runs into the hospital and goes to the room where the people are trapped in and kicks down the door and the people run out but then suddenly a explosion happens and sends izuku back and izuku hits a burning pole and it burns his back and izuku then see he is trapped

Izuku:well this is how I die I wasn't expecting it to be in a burning hospital

Suddenly a black portal appears next to him and a man with a black helmet and wearing a suit comes out

Suddenly a black portal appears next to him and a man with a black helmet and wearing a suit comes out

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Once izuku see him he asks

Izuku:who are you
???:I think all might mentioned me when explaining one for all

Izuku:so your all for one
All for one;yes I am and I am here with a offer

Izuku:what offer
All for one:join the league of villains and you will have what you are owed in life power , family , friends and vengeance


Izuku then gets up and walks into the black portal and all for one walks in as well and the portal disappears after all for one walks threw and once they walked threw izuku see he in a bar and see a bunch of people

Izuku see a man with hands all over him , a magician looking person , a guy that sorta looks like deadpool , a man with burnt skin , a boy his age with a gas mask , a girl his age , a red head with a giant magnet , a lizard man and a man that is made of dark mist and all for one then says

All for one:izuku meet the league of villains now everyone introduce yourselves

???:im tomura shigaraki
???:my name is himiko toga
???:im mustard
???im magne
???:im mr compress
???:im twice/no I'm not
???:im spinner
???:just call me mustard
???:I am korogiri

Izuku:well I'm izuku
Dabi:wait izuku
Izuku:hang on I know that voice touya
Dabi:hey there
Izuku:why are you here touya
Dabi:call me dabi and because I want to kill my bastard father endeavour

Izuku:same for me

Spinner:you two know each other?
Izuku:touya is like a big brother


Korogiri;what's your villain name
Izuku:let me think what would be a good villain name

Izuku starts thinking and then has a name

Izuku:call me sinister

The end

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