Nabu island battle

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We see izuku , eri and kota on nabu island and kota asks

Kota;hey big bro where are we
Izuku:this is nabu island and I am here for two things

Eri:and what are those?

Izuku:well to get two kids to join us and to kill four guys here

Eri;and you want us to recruit the kids

Izuku:yep their names are katsuma and Mahoro and well they will join us because they have no where else to go because their father died

Kota:what about the mother
Izuku:got killed in a car crash

Izuku;I'm gonna hunt the four guys and you two get the new recruits and here this

Izuku gives two syringes to eri and kota and the syringes had katsuma and Mahoro name and izuku says

Izuku:the syringes will make them like yous

Both eri and kota then leave and izuku then starts running threw out the island and see the four villains chasing the kids and izuku makes a earth barrier around them and izuku appears in-front of the four villains

Izuku:so your the guys I'm killing

Nine:who are you
Izuku:I think you should know that

Mummy:uhh nine this is the villain sinister and he killed both all might and endeavour

Slice:well let's kill him and get the key to are goal
Chimera;he looks strong so I'm gonna enjoy killing him

Mummy tries wrapping izuku in bandages and when he does wrap him in bandages izuku makes the bandages light on fire and it burns the bandages

Izuku then arguments the muscles in him left to the point it glows and the next second izuku punched a hole threw mummy chest killing the villain

Slice tries to stab izuku but izuku then aims his hand at her face and shoots a giant wave of blue fire at her face

Slice tries to stab izuku but izuku then aims his hand at her face and shoots a giant wave of blue fire at her face

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(Dabi=izuku. Aizawa=slice)

After shooting the blue flames it burned slice alive and so she died

Chimera then tries punching izuku but izuku catches his fist and uses overhaul quirk and so he disassembles chimera and reassembles him but disfigured because his arms were coming out of his back and his legs were fused together and izuku uses all for one 2.0 on him and steals his quirk and disassemble them again killing them

Izuku:I'm probably gonna give that quirk to a nomu after I kill you

Nine shoots lasers at izuku but izuku was fast enough to dodge them and shoots blackwhip at him but nine makes a barrier appear blocking the attack but izuku pulls himself towards nine with blackwhip

Izuku manages to punches nine in the face and izuku charges at nine but nine summons some dragon out of his back and tries to crush izuku with it but izuku dodges and shoots a giant wave of fire towards nine and it sends the villain back a lot

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