"Your highness the princess! Your highness… where are you…!"

A scream heard from afar. Both kids turned their face to the direction, one had a normal expression, another one widened her eyes in fear.

"Your highness the princess…!"

As Henry was about to get up, a hand pulled his collar. Before he could catch up with what was happening, he fell on top of her by the unexpected pulling.

"What are you doing…!"

The little girl grabbed his hand and put it in her skirt. Henry opened his eyes wide. He was stunned. The scene right at the moment looked like he was sexual assaulting the young girl.


"Oh my god!"

A maid gasped for god caught up with the scene. The little princess pushed his chest away as he was taken aback not knowing what was her intention. She ran to the maid and cried out.

"He tried to force me! Help me!"

"Your highness the princess!"
The maid hugged the crying princess as she looked at Henry in disgust.

"Wait… it's not like that…" he tried to explain but the maid cut his words.

"You can't just do that your highness the crown prince! This matter will get to both Emperors! Your highness tried to assault the princess! She's just a kid! How could you do that! you're already coming of age!"


"If you have anything to say, please say it to your royal father, your highness!"

The maid took Rowena's hand and turned her back from him.


"You stupid asshole!"


Henry turned to the left as his right cheek was slapped by his father. The maid reported it to the western emperor. Everyone in the imperial palace talked about the matter from mouth to mouth, nobody was giving him a chance to speak, even his own father.

They left the western empire in a hurry after his father apologized to the western empire plenty of time. As they arrived at their country, Henry's father was enraged with the shame his son made.

"I took you there to learn not to assault a child! You made the whole western palace look at us in disgust! Do you even think before you do something! You stupid brat! Do you hear what these maids were whispering about! You brought shame to the royal family! If you want to do it, do it to anyone else! Not a fucking princess!"

"Your majesty… please hear what he has to say…"

"Shut the fuck up!" He roared at a middle aged woman who looked troubled with tears on her face.

"Is that how you raise your fucking child?!"

She was his mother. The Southern empress.

"I was trying to save her… she was drowning…"


"The maid saw what the fuck you were doing!"

Henry clicked his tongue. He couldn't even be mad at the unfair treatment. He couldn't even find a reason why that girl did that. A blood stain showed up at the corner of his lips. The empress ran to him just in case her husband would hit their child again.

"Your majesty… do you not know your own child… he's not a kid like that…" she asked heartbreakingly before continuing in a whisper.

"He's not like your majesty…"

"What the fuck did you just say!?"

The Emperor grabbed her hair as she screamed out in pain.

"Let mother go…!" Henry jumped up.

"I was hesitant about punishing you in his place to make him learn his lesson well… but since you talked big to me, let us get into it."

The empress held the hand that grabbed her hair and dragged her to the bedroom's door but Henry blocked their way.

"Don't hit mother! I'm the one who did it so hit me!" 

"No.. Henry. Go…" the empress whispered in tears as her child shook his head.

"So you admitted that you did it now??"

Henry felt his chest pumping. He looked at his father with a hateful gaze then answered firmly.

"Your majesty wouldn't believe me anyway."

"Haha." The Emperor smirked at his son's behaviour.
"Arrogant brat. Get the fuck out!"

As he raised his hand in the intention to hit Henry again, the empress screamed.

"Don't hit him…! Your majesty said you'd hit me in his place…! Ugh…!"


"Yeah I'll hit you. Don't worry."

He gripped her hair harder. The empress bite her lips to suppress the pain. Henry wanted to get in the way but two guards suddenly barged in and held him hostage.

"Take that asshole away!" The Emperor commanded them.

"Let go! Fuck, you bastards! I said let go!"

Henry tried to pull away from their grips but they guards were older than him so their developed bodies strength were stronger than him who was just 17 years old.

"Let go!"


Two hours after the incident, they finally let him go from his room. Henry barged into his mother's door.


The young man's heart fell to the floor. His deep blue eyes shook in horror and pain. The maids looked at him in sadness. The empress was put on the bed. Her face was covered in dark bruises. One of her eyelids went blue and swelled up real bad to the point where it couldn't be opened when she woke up. Her lips bruised in purple and the blood stain at the corner was seen. Her hair was a mess, the evidence of it being grabbed violently. Her both forearms, too, got bruised.

"Your highness… the empress hasn't awake yet.."

A maid let out a trembling tone, she was trying to stop her cry. Henry approached his poor mother, she was always being physically abused by his father… but this time it happened because of something he was falsely accused of.

"Your highness… we believe that you didn't do it…"

The maids finally cried out. They were wiping their tears. Their words made his throat suffocate.

"We looked after your highness with the empress… we know that your highness wouldn't do something like that.."

"Please let us treat the bruises on your face…"

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