Chapter 19. A) Redamancy.

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The evening sun evanesced into the casket of white clouds whilst the crepuscule, adroitly stretched over the azure sky. The earlier unobtrusive slender crescent, now sauntered up to rein in the feeling of solely owning Uranus's domain. On the mystical blanket of mauve twilight, the scintillating stars shimmered like diamonds. The darkness stealthily encroached from the sides before engulfing the empyrean and tinting it black. The zephyr, tranquil yet frisky, twiddled with her open tresses, traversed the tufts of silk and whooshed, on bouncing off her lithe frame.

Aahana irately huffed, collected her hair at the base of her neck to fasten them in a knot but instinctively stopped as soon as she remembered why she'd left them untied in the first place. Before letting them loose she swore under her breath for prioritizing his liking over her comfort. And later sighed as they graciously rippled over her upper spine to sashay enthusiastically with the pace picking wind.

The wavy and softer than silk curls, perfectly accentuated her oval face and sharp, soft features... yet she wasn't a fan of letting her mane open. If they were unclasped, she relished in their caresses over her cheeks but still for the life of her she never appreciated not securing them with a scrunchie or a clutcher.

Reason? Many!

But primary and prominent reason was to forgo hair fall and the painstaking efforts to style the locks into a new fashion every other day. Hence with zilch hesitation, she usually clasped them in a pony else a knot.

There was no question of letting them fall free, for she didn't like to continuously attend to them and check if they were prim and proper. But that was until she fell in love. After realizing the depth of her feelings, subsequent changes were morphing into a day to day practice. However instances with the ability to totally hinder her beliefs and individuality were staunchly disregarded. 

She was merely adapting and not losing her true essence in the process.

And, one such evident change was, not restraining her hair from cascading down her neck and shoulders if and when Viyaan was around.

She ran a gentle hand through the swaying tresses to make sure they weren't tangled in consequence of the duels with wind. Pushing few errant strands behind her ear, she grumbled to no one in particular.

"This is the first and last time I'm doing something so childish."

"Here, let me tie them for you!"

She hadn't heard him come so she swiveled with such haste that she missed her step and directly crashed into Viyaan, who was standing half an inch away from her. He closed his arms around her waist and effortlessly steadied her.

"What the hell were you doing for so long?"

"Knocking sense into your brother's empty brain." He pecked away the livid crunch off her nose before retrieving his arms. He pushed a hand into his pocket and drew out a hair-tie, similar to the one dangling in her wrist.

Since he'd seen her tying her hair with anything that looked remotely close to a tag, bestowed with the potential to keep her hair up, he had made it a point to carry few hair ties in his pocket so as to stop her from using elastic rubbers band or worse, teeth grips to fix her hair in place.

"No, it's okay. You don't need to!" Despite wanting nothing but to bunch her hair together, she protested. For, the awareness of how much he loved to run his fingers through her unruly locks wasn't lost on her.

"You comfort comes first." Passing her his classic smile, he daintily turned her around. Gathering all the keratin rich fibers in one palm he flexed his wrist, demurely coiled the cluster in a roll and knotted them above her nape.

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