Chapter 09. Three years ago.

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October 2019.

"Am I speaking to Captian. Viyaan Niharika Bakshi?"

The slight amusement bordering on disgust, while pronouncing the female name was palpable in the gruff male voice.


Viyaan effortlessly infused all the curtness of the world in his tone as he had caught upon the person's disapproval with his middle name.

When would people realize that poking their nose into else's business was heedlessly uncalled for and pathetically infuriating?

The humorless laugh resonating from the Bentley's speaker added fuel to Viyaan's already blazing temper.

Yes. Temper. Which made its presence so so rarely that 'once-in-a-blue-moon' felt insulted too.

In every facet today's day had been a numbing clusterfuck. His mood was extremely rotten and so Aahana had accepted it would be safe if only she didn't push his wrong buttons for once. In spite of his temperament's  existence limited to dormant state since birth, he'd his moments and during those, other's practically walked on eggshells around him.

Since morning each and every living and nonliving being was hell bent on screwing his plans. It all started from the moment dawn broke. In the wee hours he received the news of bombing in the remote areas of Ladakh. Countless blameless lives were lost and the soldiers there were in frenzy. Ladakh and its neighboring states were declared on red alert and the Northern command of Udhampur was ordered to cleanly and quickly deal with whatever was about to ensue.

Viyaan was furious beyond control and so done with scumbags who had no balls to attack from the front. The spineless snakes crawled their ways into the country by illegal methods and targeted innocent men-women to instill blood curdling fear and jeopardize the security of the country.

However the issue at hand was the feeling of uncertainty, persistently grating on his nerves and conveniently overshadowing his bubbling anger. The possibility of him missing Sahil's wedding was just around the corner. The chances of him being called to Udhampur were exceedingly high and he begrudgingly knew neither could he nor would he say no.

The weight of callous misery had doubled when Colonel Hassan informed him of his promotion being put off on the grounds of him still being young.

27 years old! In no hell's way 27 was young.

Viyaan didn't let the disappointment get to him but it slightly stung to lose what he deserved.

And the last nail to the coffin was when Niharika introduced him to a girl. The female whom he hadn't passed a mere glance after the introductions was supposedly Niharika's colleague's daughter. His mother had tried playing it cool but he had easily seen through her attempts. She had naively reached the conclusion of her son not being involved with anyone romantically, hence had taken it upon herself to set him up.

He guiltily grasped that now his mother was all the more worried about his marriage solely because Sahil was getting officially hitched. So she thought it was awfully blasphemous if her first born delayed his matrimony any further.

Poor woman was worried for no reason. She was sadly unaware of her son carrying around a ring in his pocket to officiate what had been his from the beginning of time.

Therefore when Viyaan's plate was overflowing with anger, uncertainty, disappointment and marriage proposals, this lousy unknown man's opinions about his name rubbed salt on his wounds. He passed a fleeting glance to the unknown number displayed on the stereo and brusquely asked, "Who am I speaking too?" His car halted at the red light of the traffic signal.

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