Chapter 10. "I failed."

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P.S : The context in bold is about the past. A continuation from last chapter.


"So you're saying, not only is your identity compromised but also your family is being threatened?"

"Yes, Sir."

Viyaan had provided a detailed narration to Colonel Hassan, starting from Jagvir's boisterous threat to Utkarsh's strict ultimatum. It was necessary and also the need of the hour to discuss about the doom knocking on his door. And since he could not ruin the atmosphere of the house that was gearing up for a wedding, he'd restored to talking it out with his mentor.

"Captain, Randhawa isn't a threat to the national security. Neither can I help you kill him nor label this situation as important in the official documents."

This was no news. Tahir had unashamedly voiced out what Viyaan already knew. He'd to deal with this alone and singlehandedly.

"Colonel, he is threatening me with my family. I agree he isn't a national threat but he is no innocent. And I have to at any cost put an end to him before he hurts my people."

Jagvir Randhawa's glorious past could vouch for how innocent he was. Despite his involvement in a rape case, he was acquitted after a long judicial haul. Example of another failure of the judicial system of this country. His felony lawsuit had reached the front pages of a newspaper but like always someone else was made to take the fall. The regular free chit. There were rumors of him being associated to a drug cartel however he was not under the scrutinizing radar because after all they were mere rumors, empty and harmless just like the elites of any society.

"Wait. Let me think of something and before you hear from me you won't be doing anything."

"I'm not promising to pull my punches."

"Neither am I asking you to. I will put my sources to work and see if I can find anything on that scum."

"There is no dearth to dirt on him. He is a criminal from head to toe."

Viyaan uncharacteristically sounded exhausted. Irrespective of his tough exterior, this Randhawa fiasco was taking a toll on him. The mental fatigue was weighing him down and sadly there was no cure to it. Even the physical rest couldn't act like an antidote to his soul numbing distress.

"Still give me two hours; I will reach back to you."

"Thank you, Sir."

Viyaan negligently threw his phone on the couch and went to change for the night. He had walked out of the washroom when he heard a knock on his door.

"Thank god, you aren't asleep yet."

In spite it being close to midnight, Sahil's sprits looked bright and high. His glowing face was an indication of how happy he was. And the slight bounce in his step was underlining his efforts to stop himself from bursting with joy.

"Though you're not married yet, I can see you're improving." Viyaan passed a casual smile to his friend. It was undeniably strained but not completely awful to give away his state of mind. He couldn't let anyone onto the happenings in his life because they didn't deserve to worry unnecessarily.

"What do you mean?" Sahil scowled and walked towards the gallery before sliding the doors open.

"You knocked. That's some appreciable progress."

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