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They got off the bus and Harry and Louis walked in a different direction, only to be yanked back by the handcuff.
"Damn it, come on." Louis grunted and rubbed his wrist.

"I'm going this way." Harry said and pointed to his right.

"Well, you can't do that can you, unless you're planning to drag me on the ground?" Louis huffed.

When Harry was eyeing as if he was wondering how long he could drag him Louis sighed.
"Alright, we need to come up with some sort of plan."

Harry relaxed a little.
"We can go to Doncaster first."

Louis looked surprised.

"I know how much you miss your family, Louis." Harry replied. He almost looked soft? Louis furrowed his eyebrows.

"You miss your family too!"

"Of course I do. We go to Doncaster first for a day and then to Holmes Chapel. After that, we can come up with a plan." Harry said.

"Uhm, yeah, okay. Thanks, Harry." Louis replied.

"Whatever. Let's go." Harry sighed.

They walked to the waiting car. Harry waved goodbye to Liam, Niall, and Zayn but Louis just flipped them off.

They didn't say much on the four-hour drive to Doncaster. When they arrived Louis was so excited to see his family that he totally forgot that he was attached to Harry. He hurried out of the car and Harry who was just getting out fell to the ground.
"Shit! Sorry. Are you okay?" Louis asked, actually sounding concerned for once.

"Idiot! My trousers are wet and dirty!" Harry grunted as he tried to stand up.

"Nothing new then." Louis smirked.

Harry was about to snap back when the whole Tomlinson clan came running outside to greet them.

Harry was drawn into a whirlwind of hugs and kisses. Everyone was talking at the same time. Louis' sister Lottie finally noticed the fluffy, pink handcuffs and burst out laughing.
"Niall really did it. I love him."

"Yes. He's a dead man." Louis snorted.

"Don't be so dramatic, sweetie. I may not agree with his methods but he's right about one thing. You two need to reconcile. You used to be the best of friends." Louis' mum Jay said as they walked into the house.

Harry and Louis kept quiet but they glanced at each other and immediately looked away.
"I made the bed for you. I guess you're sharing since you're stuck together." Jay continued with humor sparkling in her eyes.

They hadn't thought about that.
"I'm gonna hurt Niall." Louis muttered.

"You're gonna watch each other poop." Phoebe, one of the twins giggled.

Harry and Louis gasped simultaneously. They hadn't thought about that either.

"And you'll have to shower together!" Daisy, the other twin added with a giggle.

Another thing they hadn't taken into consideration.
"I'll help you smother Niall." Harry mumbled between gritted teeth.

Jay had made pot roast for dinner and they all took a seat around the dinner table. Harry had always felt welcome in their home. He had spent time here in the early days when Louis and he had been glued together. Something changed along the way. He changed. Or his feelings did. That was why he had tried to keep his distance. He had no idea what Louis' reasons were.

A Handcuffed ChristmasWhere stories live. Discover now