Chapter 33 ( Till the end with you )

Start from the beginning

"But that's something i can't do anything about." Hanni said, trying her best not to cry in front of Haerin as she tightly hugs her in her warm embrace.

There's no way it's fine, i need you...Hanni....
A WORLD WITHOUT YOU... ISN'T WORTH LIVING IN..." Haerin anxiously said as her tears continues to wet her cheeks.

Hanni sits down and holds Haerin's hand, "Hey Haerin?... I also used to think about it in my sleep. About what I'd do if you were to die before me. Leaving me all alone in this world, just the thought of it brings me to tears. And even if the opposite would happen, I'm sure you would feel the same...
But, i want you to live... Haerin...
In the world that remains after I'm gone, if it really gets to the point where you become so lonely that you can't bear it.
Chase after me. Im certain I'll be searching for you in Heaven too."

Hanni leans in kissing Haerin as she herself couldn't hold her strong barrier anymore and sheds streams of tears, "But if it's possible, i want you to live your life and look after our baby. I want you to travel to all kinds of places with our baby, i want you to be there for her when she's happy or feeling sad, excited or scared just like you have done to me. And later, tell me all about your journey."

Haerin tightly grips her hand, "Hanni...I... I don't want to think about losing you." She hardly said through her sobs.


"But... That time will come eventually, you're preparing me for that, right?" Haerin said trying to reason with herself.
"I mean, you want the two of us to overcome this together, right?" Haerin added looking at Hanni with teary eyes.

"That's exactly why i won't let you be alone. I'm sorry that i wasn't be able to not cause you worry, Haerin." Hanni said and gently kissed Haerin.


"I'm glad i got to tell you this on today's birthday."


"Oh? Did you forget, today's our birthday." Hanni said trying to lift the mood up.

Of course, Haerin had forget that today was meant to be celebrated merrily, she was too caught up with her waves of emotions that she forget, it.

"Thinking about the future is important, but.... Why don't we spend today celebrating our birthday?" Hanni said holding Haerin's hand as she guide her up.

"Yeah, let's head back to the house. Everyone's waiting for us." Haerin said weakly smiling at Hanni.


"Hey Hanni? If you were to die, i think i might go insane. I'd feel the same way, even if you're to die first."

"But y'know Haerin, even though it will be very....very lonely and painful. I'll be fine, and I'm sure that you will be too, Haerin. You're not alone anymore."

"Aah! Without even realizing it. I've got this many friends now."


The birthday celebration was held happily with their loved and close ones attending it.

Once arriving, Minji angrily curse at Haerin for worrying Hanni, to which Haerin wasn't paying attention. Still the same old.

Hyein also attends the party and congratulate them not only for their birthday but for the wonderful gift of his first grandchild.

Everyone else handed their gifts to the both of them and the party was celebrated with joy, peace and love.

"Ah! That's right, Hanni." Haerin forgets something important and immediately searches her pocket.

"Hmm? What is it?"

"Your birthday present." Said Haerin handing her a little box.

Hanni happily takes the box, "waahh~~ I've been looking forward to it." And proceeds to open it.

"I hope you like it." Haerin said, nervously fidgetting her fingers.

Upon touching the gift, Hanni immediately knows what it was, "Haerin! This is!..."

"Eh? Was it no good?" Haerin nervously asked.

"What is it!??" Everyone else gathers around.

Hanni takes out the gift and shows it to them as she cries, "Rings!"

"Erhm... You know how humans have these 'weddings', where they exchange rings. I read about it in a book...
It's apparently an oath you make to God, but i don't really believe in any gods, so... It's closer to a 'prayer' i think." Haerin said explaining, "So, i figured if i do 'this' officially... I would swear my eternal love on my fated meeting with Hanni." Haerin added.

Hanni was filled with so many emotions right now that she doesn't know the best word to describe it, and so, she just hugged Haerin tightly as she cried in her chest.

"It's pretty much a 'proposal', right?" Jennie asked excitedly.

"I also have a present to give you, Haerin." Hanni said crying as she handed Haerin her present.

Upon seeing, Haerin merrily laugh and put on the rings Hanni too had given her.

And so, with the presence of everyone at the party, they both put their rings on each others fingers, vowing their love and loyalty to each other as they kissed lovingly while everyone cheered for the couple...

And so, with the presence of everyone at the party, they both put their rings on each others fingers, vowing their love and loyalty to each other as they kissed lovingly while everyone cheered for the couple

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A/n : Guys!
😭I myself can't believe this is actually ending.....
I cried so hard at my own story 🤧😆

Anyways, thanks for all the love and support you have shown to this book and me 🫂

And, if you guys want an afterward chapter, kindly say it in the comments okay. I'll be looking forward to it.

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