Chapter 16 ( Home )

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It's been quite a while now since Haerin and Hanni have been living in the Pham Household. So today, they decided to return home to Haerin's house.

*thud.... "There we go! These are the things we're bringing home with us. Right?"

"Hanni, I can carry a little more, should i carry that one too?"

"I'll be fine, thank you."

"You two haven't forgotten anything have you?"

"No, i don't think we have."

"I can run right back here in a snap.
So we'll be fine even if we've forgotten something." Haerin said confidently.

"Hehe ~ I'll count on you if that happens."

"....Oh! There's one more thing the Master said." Danielle said to them.
"You're welcome to come back here at any time, Haerin." *smiles.


Hanni who can't seem to conceal her smile felt delightful at her Father's words.
"That's right, this is more or less Haerin's second home now."


"Okay Danielle, give my regards to Father and the others."

"Right. If anything happens, I'll have Minji send a message."


They proceed their way to Haerin's house.

"We were there for quite a long time. It feels like ages since I've come home to your house Haerin."

"I geuss so."

"And the weather today is nice and warm. It certainly feels like early summer."


"Hmm? What's wrong Haerin? You seemed rather quiet."

"Ah...well... The mansion is your actual house, right Hanni? But you just said you're ' coming home ' to my place.
It made me happy." *smiles

"That's right, if my house is somewhere you can come home to...
Then that means Haerin's house is somewhere i can call my home too."
*holds hands.

"Yeah, that makes me, really happy.
I'm feeling kinda merry."


"It's not like i disliked being in your house...Hanni... But going home to a place where it's just you and me...feels kinda exiting hehe>"

Hanni who understands what she means blushed furiously.
I wonder if this is how newly-weds feel when they get back from their parents house. If you tell me something like that, I'm gonna get exited too~~~"

"What's a newly-weds?"

"It means people who have just got married."


"Since we've been gone for a few days, i geuss we'll need to do some cleaning."

"Yeah, that's first on the list."

"I'm looking forward to making a farm too."

"If there's anything i can help you with, say the word."

"You don't have much knowledge about it though, right?"

"Yeah, anyway since it's gonna be hot from now on, we can take a dip in the lake around back."

"Really? There seems to be all kinds of things i wanna try."

"There's something i want to try too."

"Eh? What is it?"

*shy..."it's a secret."

Beauty and the Beast Girl | Newjeans : Hanni x HaerinOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora