Chapter 29

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*tap tap.... "Mi...Miss Jisoo!" Minji shouted running after the little kid who was happily chasing a butterfly.
"You shouldn't dilly dally too much, you're letting the day go to waste...
It'll take us forever to Milady's house at this...rate....!"

As Jisoo was chasing after the butterfly, she almost fell off a cliff. But luckily, Minji was there to save her on time.

"This is why i hate bringing along people when delivering a message!" Minji angrily said carrying Jisoo on her back and proceed to send her messages.
"Swimming at the beach huh? I kinda wanted to go too." She thought to herself...

While at home, Haerin just woke up naked and bare and beside her was a peacefully sleeping Hanni .

"Is it morning?" Haerin said rubbing her eyes.
"Oh? It's noon already."


The blue skies, the white sand, and the salty air!

"We've arrived at the beach!" Said Jennie happily running around with Jisoo.

Today, we got an invitation from Miss Jennie. And the four of us came to the beach.

Meanwhile, Ryujin was sitting alone under the shade of a tree mentally cursing herself for not inviting Danielle with them.

"Gotta hand it to the Pham family private beach! It's as pretty as ever." Jennie said inhaling the cool summer breeze.

"Huh? You've been here before?" Hanni asked.

"When Jisoo was still inside my stomach. I was invited here to take a stroll." Jennie said.

"I see."

Haerin was there, standing and looking at the clear blue sea with amazement and wonder.
"I've always been in that forest, so I've never been to the beach before." Haerin said feeling glad to have come.

"I haven't actually been here that much, but beaches are my favourite." Said Hanni holding Haerin's hand.
"Back when i was a kid, they said it was too dangerous. And wouldn't let me near the water front... Well, the thought of drowing in the river or the sea was kinda dangerous...
"But now, i have you with me Haerin. So i don't have to worry about that." Hanni said smiling at Haerin as the wave wash their feets.

"Y'know, I always thought that i was able to learn so much because you were with me, Hanni. But it seems like, you have also been able to do things because I'm with you." Haerin said kissing Hanni's cheek.

"Yeah, you're right."

"Right ehehehe~"

Haerin holds Hanni's hand and guide her towards the sea. As the sea water slowly sink their feet underneath, Haerin holds Hanni up and twirls around but soon head back to shore knowing that staying in the water for too long was dangerous.

While they we're enjoying their quality time together, Jisoo suddenly pulled Haerin's tail.

"Hmm? What is it Jisoo?" Haerin asked.

Jisoo eagerly points towards a huge rock as if wanting to take Haerin there.

"Hmm? You want to go over that rocky area over there?" Haerin asked as she held Jisoo's hand and head over to the huge rock.

"Is that what you want? I heard that rocky areas have creature living there, right?" Hanni said trying to scare Jisoo.

"Oh yeah, i think i read that in a book." Haerin joined.

They finally reached the rocky areas and low and behold, there was a mermaid looking at them with a scared and frightened eyes.



"What? Was there a sea cucumber or something? Is it squishy?" Hanni asked as she couldn't grasp the situation.

The mermaid looked at them for a while and out of nervousness decided to leave, "So....Sorry to intrude!" She rattles back.

"Wa...Wait!" Haerin said grabbing her tail and pulling her back.

"Hmm? Was somebody there?" Hanni asked from behind.

The mermaid looks deep into Jisoo's eyes, silence for a while and finally introduce herself.

"My ....My name is Ningning..... I'm a....mermaid." She timidly said.

"Oh my? By mermaid, do you mean that kind of mermaid? I have read about them in books." Hanni curiously asked.
"My name is Hanni, pleased to meet you."

"You.... Even though you're a monster, you're with.....a human..." Ningning said being puzzled by the situation herself.
"That's nice." She added.

Jisoo tugs Ningning's fins curiously and stared at her.
"Ah.... Mermaids are a pretty rare sight, huh?" Ningning asked.

"Hey girls." Jennie called out to them from afar.
"It's about time we open up the watermelon." She shouted making Ningning panick.

For sure, there was something that hasn't been revealed yet that made Ningning panick just from hearing Jennie's voice.

"You... I've also heard this in a book but...." Haerin interrupted, "Mermaids mainly communicate with other mermaids using specialized frequencies. Apparently, they're unable to make sound on land. Why are you able to speak?" Haerin bends down, eyes turning faded black and was ready to eliminate her if she's a threat.

Then, Jennie suddenly showed up to call them, "Oh my? Are you a friend of Haerin's?" Jennie asked smiling at Ningning.

Ningning was quietly looking down, not daring to look into Jennie's eyes and stayed silent.

What should i do? What should i do? I... I.... It's all my fault, I should just tell them all I've done wrong...
But... What if they kill me?
It's.... It's alright, I don't have any right to asked for forgiveness nor being forgiven I'm the one who's at fault here. They must know, the little girl must know! That I'm the thief who stole something precious from that little girl.

The four of them looked at Ningning, waiting for her response but it seems like a response wasn't comin yet...
Haerin, feeling suspicious was already sharpening her claws while keeping Hanni closely behind her.

After quite a moment of silence, Ningning finally gathers up all her courage and shouted out loud,



A/n : Hi guys!
I'm having exam breaks rn so new chaps will be comin frequently.🤗

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