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When I left the classroom I saw her there, waiting for me. "Robbin." She smiled. "If you weren't smart enough to write down the notes, you could have copied mine." She said sweetly, but also insulted me. That's just how Hannah worked.

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Hannah stared at me, waiting for me to say something. While she had two other people standing behind her. Other mids looked our way when they walked by, some walked slower while others stopped to see what was happening. Or what would happen?

A minute ticked by and I knew Hannah wouldn't move unless I said something. I knew that since she blocked my exit. She would only move if I asked her to, but she also enjoyed the silane. I saw the small smile growing on her face, as she thought I had nothing to say back to her. I had a lot to say back to Hannah but didn't say any of it. If I did say any of it, I would be caused for being in the front. I wouldn't give in to any of Hannah's wishes. Surely she would have to move when the bell rang? Right?

I thought about squeezing past her, but there was a kid on either side of her blocking the exit. I could just push past all of them, but then I would get in trouble for not asking them to move.

"Hey, can you please move?"

I turned my head around. A boy stood right behind me looking annoyed with his arms crossed. I looked back at Hannah and saw her neutral face, but her eyes were angry. "I'm just talking to someone." Hannah plastered her signature smile on her face.

"Then talk outside. You're keeping us all waiting." Three other kids were standing behind him. "And neither of you was talking as King as I could hear, and trust me, my hearing is better than yours."

Hannah's smile slightly went down. "Oh sure." Her smile was back again. "As soon as she answers my question." Hannah said referring to me. I said nothing and stared at her with a frown on my face. "I'm not waiting for you." He said then walked closer to us.

He was already behind me, so I stepped out of the way while he walked up to Hannah. He was way taller than both me and Hannah, conf of the tallest kids in the school. He was 6 foot 4 inches, or 193.04 centimeters, or 76 inches, or just tall.

When he walked up to Hannah his other friends came up behind him. He started down at Hannah his arms still crossed. He was a few inched from her. Hannah looked up and smiled. "Sure, I can move. Since you asked so nicely." She quickly stepped back as he continued forwards. The two other people behind Hannah quickly moved away when they saw him approaching.

His friends followed him out of the classroom. Then I quickly followed his friends so Hannah won't be able to keep me in the classroom any longer. When I was a few steps out the door I almost sighed in relief. I was about to sigh in relead when my wrist was grabbed stopping me from continuing forward.

I looked at the hand with purple and red painted nails. Then I looked at Hannah who narrowed her eyes at me with a frown on her face. She tugged on my wrist to try and pull me closer to her, but I stood my ground. A few kids stayed curious to see what would happen between us, and the others were just waiting to enter the classroom. There were a good amount of kids around so I knew Hannah wouldn't do anything too extreme, especially if she didn't want to ruin her reputation as the victim.

Hannah stepped up to me as her nails held my wrist. I twisted my arm around, freeing my wrist, and grabbing Hannah's wrist in return. Hannah leaned it and opened her mouth. I decided to stay for another second. "You will regret it, everything." Hannah whispered to me with a smile.

I let go of her wrist and stepped back a few steps. When u turned to leave again I heard a loud yelp. "She grabbed my wrist too hard!" Hannah yelled. Yeah, nice try with that one. Even if I did grab your wrist a bit too tightly on purpose, I know everyone saw you grab me first.

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I left school right after my last class. I didn't want to run into Hannah again, and I didn't want to be home late. Normally I would wait a few minutes and then go home but today I had to get home early. It's not like I wanted to go home early, it's not like I ever wanted to go home early. Mom would be livid with me if I got home late again. She made it perfectly clear I was only allowed out of the house to go to school. Not like I left the house on my own anyway.

Since I avoided talking to mom yesterday, I knew she would have a whole argument ready for me when I got home. In the time I spent avoiding her, she was preparing for this moment. The only preparation I had, was getting ready to be gelled. I should be used to it by now, but is not. I guess some things you never get used to.

I took a few steps back when I realized I almost walked right into someone. "Sorry." I said picking my eyes up from my shoes to look at the person. I only knew I walked into them because I saw their shoes. "It's fine." She smiled back. "I said to watch where you're going, Prez!" Another voice said.

I look around "Prez" turns around to face the person chasing after her. "Sorry!" She apologized to the person. "Oh." She said when she got to us. "You can go ahead Prez, I want to talk to her a bit." "A friend from your old school?" Prez asks. She says nothing and stares at Prez. "Alright then! I'll go meet up with them! Don't be late again!" Prez says then runs past me smiling at me.

It's silent for a bit between me and Jamie, somehow we always bump into each other lately. "Prez?" I decide to ask to break the silence. "It's just short for President, she's our class president." Jamie explains to me. "That's cool you guys do that." I say.

It's silent for another moment before Jamie speaks up again. "We always manage to bump into together, whether in the same school or not." She giggles. "Your right." I also giggle for a second. "So how was your day?" Jamie askes, her face going all serious again.

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