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When I was getting ready to leave the house the next day, mom stopped me. I was just drinking a glass of water standing next to the sink when she said. "What happened to your hand?" I was holding the cup with my right hand so I looked at mom confused.

"What?" Is asked sliding my left hand behind my back and resting it on the counter. "Your left hand." Mom said. I brought my hand out and held it in front of me examining it. I already looked at it this morning. But I wanted to act like I just found out in front of mom.

"I probably burned it on the sink water last night." I shrug then put my hand behind my back again. I kept drinking water from my cup.

"You should put some lotion on it, and wash it with cold water. You don't want it to leave a mark." More like you don't want it to have a mark. Mom told me how to take care of it burn even tho I already knew how, and she knew I knew. She was just acting like a caring mom.

"And you're still going to school today. You can still study and write with a mark on your hand." I noted my head, put the cup in the sink, then left the kitchen to put my shoes on.

I'm not even left-handed, so it won't hurt when I write. I wasn't even going to stay home. I'm dressed for a reason. She always makes up stuff. Assuming what kind of people me and Lindsey are.

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People in school were getting slightly more annoying. One kid tried to trip me on my way to my next class. I easily spotted him and kicked his foot which he tried to trip me with.

Latter on a girl said I looked too much like Lindsey. Her attitude told me she meant it as an insult, but I didn't take it that way. I smiled at her. Lindsey was my twin, after all, I would be a bit upset if I found out I didn't look like her.

After the last class of the day, a girl tried to take my pencil while I was packing up. I stepped on her foot glaring at her, so then I took my pencil back out of her hand. I took my foot off hers and held my pencil above her head pointing its sharp tip down at her. When she looked up at me and frowned, I glared back at her. After that, she quickly backed up, then took her bag, and left.

The few other kids in the classroom stared at me. I turned around the pencil still high above my head as I held it threateningly. I smiled at everyone. Then I left holding the pencil tightly in my hand.

That was just the rest of today. I wondered what made people decide to start acting like that. They're not even trying.

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One more day. One more day till the weekend. One more day till I get to see Eret. One more day till I can get away for the weekend. One more day, then I'm free. Not exactly free, but I would be for the weekend.

When I got home dad was already home. He was sitting on the couch browsing through shows and movies. Maybe he finally got bored of sports. Or is just looking for another sports movie to watch.

I dropped my bag off in the living room and then went to the kitchen to grab a snack from the pantry. I returned to the living room with a bowl of chips. I sat next to dad and watched him browse through movies.

"How was school?" He asked eyes glued to the screen. "Eh." I said. When mom isn't home he actually starts up a conversation on his own without mom doing it for him.

Dad placed the remote down and looked at me. I ate a few chips and stared at the screen looking at the movies pulled up. I looked over at dad. "Why 'eh'?" He asked me. I shrugged my shoulders.

He took the bowl of chips and placed it on the other side of him. He took some chips out and ate them. I moved my eyes back to the big screen in front of us.

"It's just different." I shrug my shoulders. Dad lapped my leg so I looked down and saw a chip placed there. I smiled and ate it. "You know, without Lindsey."

I heard some suffering. I looked between me and dad and saw the blue dowl of clips was back between us, with a handful of chips missing.

"You have that friend you're hanging out with this weekend." He said eyes glued back to the screen. His right hand holding the controller rapidly clicks the down arrow to look through movies faster. "Yeah." I smiled to myself, then shoved three more chips in my mouth.

"Mom is gone?" I asked slightly hoping she already left for the weekend. "Mhm." Dad hummed. "She'll be back late Sunday or early Monday." I hummed back. Glad she would be gone for the weekend.

Dad finally selected a movie and it filled the screen. "A Dog's Purpose" was the movie's title big on the screen. Not an action movie? "Can I see the trailer?" I asked. Dad played the trailer and we watched it in silence, no chips were eaten during that time.

It seemed like an interesting movie. "I'm going to order pizza and we can start the movie in thirty minutes." Dad said pulling his phone out of his pocket. "Sure." I said.

I left the living room with my backpack and headed towards my room to drop it off. A movie night? With just the two of us? The last time it was just us was ages ago, and we watched the movie with Lindsey. I'm surprised he thought of it first. And even on a school night.

Dad does have his good moments, especially when mom isn't around. I wish he'd be like this more often. Like what? Starting up a conversation. Making plans for just us. This is also the first time that it's just me and dad and no Lindsey. I hope it goes well.

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