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I planned on leaving earlier for school the next day again. But when I was about to leave I saw mom already awake waiting in the main room for me. She had her arms crossed as she sat on the couch. "Why are you leaving early?" She asked.

I hadn't come out of my room since I went to it last night. I didn't leave to go eat dinner. I didn't leave when she ganged on my door yelling that I wasn't grateful for the food she made.

"I'm going to school early so I can study, so I won't have to stay after again." It wasn't a complete lie, but it also wasn't the complete truth. "And what about the dinner I made last night?" She glared at me. "I wasn't hungry." I lied.

"I don't care if you are hungry or not! You only eat three meals a day! And dinner is when we eat together as a family! When someone actually eats my cooking and likes it." Mom yelled at me standing up and walking towards me. "Sorry." I said then headed towards the front door. "I'll eat dinner tonight." I said then quickly left the house. When I closed the front door I quickly walked down the stairs and left the street our house was on. When I left our street I slowed my pace back down. After all, I wasn't in any rush to get to school.

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Since I left early for school again, I saw a group of kids waiting for their bus. They were at the same sign as yesterday, and they were the same group of kids as yesterday. I looked away from them, to the opposite side of the road.

When I thought I was about out of their sight, I turned to look at the group of kids again. Alex and Karter, we're probably somewhere over there by now. Someone walked up to me, and I recognized her as someone from the group that waited for their bus. I also recognized her from another place.

"Robbin." She said stopping in front of me. "Jamie." I said her name back to her.

"It's been some time." Jamie said acting casually. "Yep." I played along until I didn't. "What do you want?" I asked getting right to the point. Jamie looked at me not surprised, but with a resting face, like she expected this to happen.

Jamie sighed. "I pretty much know what happened. There's no way Lindsey would go that far on her own. Obviously, Hannah had to bribe her somehow. There's no way anyone can trick Lindsey." I nodded my head. She got it right so far.

Jamie continued. "But Lindsey wouldn't do that, even if you threatened her. So Hannah must have threatened her with you." Jamie stared at me not saying anything. I didn't shake or nod my head. I let Jamie get her theories out there first.

"But when it happened, when Lindsey did it, the thing. She snapped, and she flipped her personality. She rarely does that to that extent. But then again, I don't know her as well as you do. And I also don't know much about her disease." Jamie had a good idea of what happened. She didn't stop talking like she had thought this all out before.

"What I think, is the reason why she acted out further than she would with Hannah threatening you. Would be because of her borderline personality disorder. There is no way you or Lindsey would tell Hannah about her disorder, and I sure as heck didn't. So she probably found out and used that to her advantage." Jamie stopped talking and took a deep breath. "How was that?" She asked.

I stared at Jamie surprised. "That's one heck of a crazy idea." I said trying to blow her idea away. "It's not that crazy if you are someone like me, and actually know you two a bit. And know what Hannah would do." I hummed acknowledging Jamie.

How did Jamie do it all? How did Jamie figure out everything? There was no way she thought of all of that just because she knew me, Lindsey, and Hannah before. How did she even know what happened? Maybe Alex told her since Jamie does have beef with Hannah after all. But that would also be a reason not to tell Jamie. Would Karter tell Jamie? Or Richard? Does Jamie know anyone else that still goes to the school?

I decided to start questioning instead of wondering. "What made you think of that idea? I know you didn't just think of it because you knew all of us. And how did you hear about the event?" It was my turn to question Jamie. She's always been too smart. She probably knew I would ask her about this.

Jamie sighed. "I knew you would wonder why. You're too smart for me to just say, I knew you three." Jamie leaned back on a wall of the building behind us. She looked up into the sky and took a deep breath. "Hears the thing." Jamie said still watching the sky. "Hear did tell me about what happened."

Jamie tilted her head back down and looked at me. "Want to guess who that person was?" She asked not smiling. "Tell me." I said seriously. My bet is on Richard or Alex, or maybe she investigated Hannah somehow about it.

"Lindsey." That was all Jamie said. My eyes widened and my mouth opened a bit. Jamie didn't startle me much with her theory earlier. But this defiantly made me surprised. So it wasn't a theory she had, she was just yelling at me about what actually happened. Jamie told me what Lindsey told her. How? When?

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