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"Robbin?" I heard someone call my name. They came from the direction where the bus just dropped off the kids. I stopped walking and stood in place. Maybe there was another Robbin.

I linked over at the bus driving away and saw one mid walking towards me. "Robbin." They said when they got to me. "Karter." I said back to Karter.

Alex looked over at us and came over to us. He frowned at me. Karter glanced at him and then looked back at me. "Thank you for delivering that letter." "No problem." I said.

We stood there in silence for a bit. "Bye." I said. Then started walking away. "Hey, Robbin." I heard Alex say. I stopped walking and turned around. "Yeah, thanks for the letter. Don't worry I didn't read it, just heard a bit from Karter." I nodded my head.

Alex walked up to be erasing the few steps gal I made between us. "Everyone has their reasons, I guess her reason was something." Alex shrines his shoulders. "But I won't forgive her." Alex leaned in to whisper something to me. "And I hope Karter doesn't forgive her too." I nodded my head. "Me too."

"Have to go now, bye." Alex said walking away and bringing Karter with him. I watched as they went to a car parked on the side of the road, and got in together. Then the car drove away. I also left, continuing my walk home.

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"Where were you?" Mom asked to spot on the couch. She closed her work laptop. "I stayed after to study more." I took a few steps closer to the staircase that led to my safe place, my room. "I'm not done talking yet!" Mom yelled at me. I froze in place, facing the staircase.

"Come back here!" Mom demanded. I took four steps backward to where I was before. "Did I say you could stay after?!" "You let me do it before." I mumbled. "What was that?" I heard mom get up from her place on the couch. I stared at the staircase counting the stairs.

"Answer me!" Mom grabbed my chin and quickly turned my head to look at her. "And look at me when I'm talking to you." Mom snarled in my face. "I stayed after to study with some new books they got at the library." I started speaking, even tho it hurt with mom's grip on my chin.

"I assumed you would let me stay after again, so I kept my phone on don't deserve, so I could focus on studying." A lie I memories on my way home. My words wobbled, but mom won't suspect anything. She will just think I had trouble talking because of her nails digging into my chin, that was part of the reason. The other part, I was afraid.

Mom tightened her grip around my chin. Then she let go turning around and taking a few steps away. I thought about running back to my room, but mom quickly turned back around again.

"Where were you this weekend?" She crossed her arms. "With a friend from school, Hannah." I already had this lie prepared. "And who drove you home?" "Her dad, Hannah let me sit in the front seat." I tried to stay calm. There was no way she could see who it was from inside the house in the dark. "I need his number. I need Hannah's parent's number. Your father should have asked for them, you should have given them to him." I nodded my head. "I can ask her tomorrow."

It was silent for a moment. Until it wasn't again. "Go to your room!" Mom pointed to the stairs. "You're grounded! You're grounded for just staying after without my approval! What if something happened to you?! I wouldn't know where you were! I said to come right home for a reason! And you went out with a friend I've never met before! And her parents! I don't even know them." Mom yelled walking closer to me.

I was afraid, since the moment she touched me again today. My fear of her came back. I was afraid she would do something. But if I tried to run to my room right now, without her excusing me, things will turn out worse. I can't flinch. I have to hold back my tears. Don't look sad.

Mom stood in front of me, one step away. "Well?!" "I'm sorry." I said looking down. "Go to your room already!" I looked up, and all I saw was her raised hand.

I quickly left for my room. I didn't run, that would be worse. I quickly walked, more like jogged to my room. "Think about what you did!" Mom yelled after me.

I got into my room and locked the door. I should probably study, I was grounded after all. I already did most of my homework at school. I can't focus on studying right now. I don't want to listen to her.

I took the book out of my bag and read the title. Another world I could escape into. Opening the book tone where my bookmark was, I couldn't focus on the book either.

I sat down at my desk and looked in the small hand mirror that was proper in the corner. I picked it up and held it closer inspecting my chin. There were small red curve marks on my chin from mom. They would disappear tomorrow. What's with people and differing their nails into me today? Am I the perfect target today?

I noticed my hand holding the mirror. I placed the mirror down and looked at my hands. The red marks that were on my hands earlier were gone. Without thinking I squeezed my right hand into a fist. I squeezed my fist tight. Then I stopped. I saw small red nail marks on my hand.

I sat on Lindsey's bed and opened my book. I read my book. I had to keep reading the first few lines because I want to focus. Soon enough I was focused on my book, in the world of the book. My left hand turned the page of the book. While I got lost in the story again.

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Eret's Cousin (Phil's Kid universe)Where stories live. Discover now