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When I was getting ready for bed I found Eret already laying on the air mattress snuggled up in the blankets. They told me to sleep on their bed. Sneaky move, forcing me to take the bed by already claiming the air mattress.

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I was laying in Eret's bed trying to fall asleep. I kept turning from my left to my right, and from my right back to my left, back and forth. I didn't feel that tired. Maybe it was because I went to bed early the night before? Or there was too much on my mind? I decided to just open up my phone and watch some YouTube and catch up on some streams on twitch.

While watching Mumbo Jumbo I got a ding on my phone from a new text. Who would be up this late? I opened the text and saw who it was from. Lindsey.

I imidietly called Lindsey. I counted the seconds as I waited for her to pick up. One ring, another ring- the phone clicked.

"Guess who got her phone back?!" Lindsey said excitedly into the phone. My eyes teared up as I felt a smile form across my face. "Lindsey!" I called her name. "It's been so long." "I know right? They only let us get our phones on the weekends if we behave."

"Oh, but I can't talk for long." Lindsey informed me. She answered me before I could ask why. "I have a roommate who just left to take a shower, and technically we aren't supposed to be up this late. I was going to call you earlier when I got my phone, but we only just got them after dinner, and after dinner on Fridays is when some of the girls in the girl's dorm have a movie night." I enjoyed listening to Lindsey's talk.

"How was the movie?" I asked wanting to hear more. "It was alright, we just all voted for a movie and mine didn't get picked. Next time I plan on bribing everyone for their votes." "Glad to see you haven't changed." I giggled. "It's only been like a week. They can't change me that fast." Lindsey said annoyed.

"Maybe it wouldn't be such a bad thing if I changed a bit." Lindsey sounded sad. "Why do you say that?" "Ah, I just, kind of messed up, back at home. And I don't want to do it again." The call went silent for a bit. "I know you won't, if you ever tried to I would stop you." I tried to reassure my twin. "Well, I'm going to some sort of counseling now. They're trying to kind of teach me how to approach different scenarios, manage anger I guess, and trust adults." Lindsey sounded bored.

"Thays good?" I said it sounded more like a question than a statement. "I guess, apparently." Lindsey sounded annoyed, I knew she wasn't annoyed at me. "How are the other kids there?" I asked changing the subject.

"Alright. Oh, my roommate is pretty cool. Her name is Becky. Well, Becky is what some people call her, short for Rebecka." Lindsey piped up again, sounding happier. "She's in, I think two of my classes. And we eat lunch together with another kid. His name is Parker and he seems cool. They both have their own friend groups that they kind of hang out with more. But we like hanging out together when we can. Like eating lunch." Lindsey sounded happier when talking about her new friends.

"They sound cool, I'm glad you made some friends already." I smiled. It sounded like things were going alright for Lindsey, she even made some new friends. "How about you?" Lindsey asked. "Huh?" I asked. "Who do you hang out with now?" "Oh."

"Well, I kind of ate lunch with another kid once." I said referring to the boy I found eating lunch in my homeroom. "They any nice?" "Not really." I said honestly. "I hope I didn't ruin your reputation too bad." Lindsey joked, but I knew it wasn't a joke. "You didn't." I said seriously.

"I also gave Karter the letter you wrote." I told Lindsey. "Thanks." She said quietly. "They're doing fine, just going to a different school now. Actually, their who group goes to a different school now." "Maybe that's for the better." Lindsey sounded sad again.

"Well sorry to keep you up so late." Lindsey faked sounding happy. "It's fine, I was already awake." "Well go to sleep now." "Only if you do." I said back. "Only if we call again tomorrow." "Only if you're free." I smiled. "Ok fine, good night!" Lindsey said cheerfully. "Night!" I called out right before she hung up.
When the call ended I sent Lindsey a text saying one more goodnight.

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I would up to a smell, a delicious smell. Etet's clock said it was 8 am. I rolled out of their comfortable bed. I left Eret's room and went to the kitchen where I saw them cooking. I sat at the table and watched Eret cook.

Eret turned around holding a plate with pancakes on it. "Good morning." They smiled, clearly awake. "Morning." I groaned back.

"Didn't sleep well?" Eret asked placing the plate in front of me. I shook my head. Eret sat next to me with another plate of pancakes. "Thanks." I said then took a bite. "It's good." I won't up a bit more as I continued to eat.

"Did you go to bed too late then?" Eret wondered. "I couldn't sleep, so I just watched some twitch." Eret frowned at me a bit. "Well, I didn't keep myself up- I also called someone." I quickly tried to fix what I said. Eret's face turned into a curious look. "Who?"

I smiled. "Lindsey."

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Eret's Cousin (Phil's Kid universe)Where stories live. Discover now