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Eret let me eat most of the cookie serial on the ride to his apartment, saying how he had already eaten before he left to pick me up.

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When we got to Eret's apartment they insisted on carrying my bag up. All I carried up to the apartment was myself, and the half-eaten box of cookie serial.

When we got into Eret's apartment they placed down my bag and quickly went to what I assumed was the bathroom. "You should have gone at the gas station!" I call down the hall. "I didn't need to go then!" Eret called from the bathroom.

I wandered around Eret's apartment. I found an extra air mattress on the floor of the living room, behind the couch. I moved my bag next to the air mattress. I plugged my phone into the wall next to it to charge.

Eret came out of the bathroom not long after. "I know we just got out of the car, but want to go get lunch?" "Sure." I said. I didn't mind the car ride with Eret on the way here. Eret smiled. "I know a good place. And after that, I have a surprise." "What?" "It's a surprise."

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After we are lunch at a mall we started walking around. "This please has some cool clothes." I said liking some of the clothes they had. "Want to get any?" Eret asked me. "I don't know if I borough enough money for the clothes here." I said honestly. I did bring some money, but I didn't want to spend it all on clothes, I wanted to buy something for Eret too.

"Let's go into this store then." Eret led me into a store I'd never seen before. "They have some good feminine clothes here. Do you wear skits?" Eret asked leading me to a rack of skirts. "I guess sometimes? I'm just picky."

"What kinds do you like?" Eret asked holing up a plain purple skirt. "Nothing plain, but also no patterns. I also don't like how when you spin, they can come up sort of high." I said looking through a few skirts. "I also defiantly don't like short skirts."

Me and Eret each found some skirts to try on. I had to pick three for Eret, while Eret picked three for me. When I was trying on one of the skirts it felt weird. I haven't worn a skirt in a while. The last time I wore a skirt was because mom made us go to a nice restaurant. The skirts Eret picked out looked interesting, they weren't fancy.

I liked one skirt the best when I tried it on. It had darker purple at the top that faded into a lighter shade of purple the further down the skirt went. It had a frail at the bottom with some sparkles on it. The skirt also went just above my knees. I put that purple skirt back on and left the changing room to look for Eret.

Eret was sitting in a waiting chair wearing a white skirt with yellow flowers. They saw me and smiled. "I like that skirt on you." "Thanks, I also like your skirt."

I spun around to test the skirt. It only rose a few inches but stayed long enough for my liking. I smiled already loving the skirt. "Thanks for picking it out." I was happy I finally found a skirt that I liked. "You gonna get it?" Eret asked. "Maybe." I said then went back into the changing room.

When I got dressed back into my shorts I saw the price on the skirt. It was just above how much I had on me. I left the changing room and places all three skirts in a bin full of other clothes people had tried on. "Not getting it?" Eret asked coming over to me back in their shorts. "I don't really like it." I shrugged my shoulders. "Are you getting that one?" I pointed to the flower skirt in Eret's hand. "Yep." Eret smiled. "You have good taste.

When Eret was checking out they said. "There's another skirt on that hanger too." The lady at the register removed Eret's skirt from the hanger to reveal the skirt I had tried on earlier. What? The lady scanned it and removed some grey circle from it. Then placed the skirt in the same bag as Eret's flower skirt.

"Why'd you get it?" I asked Eret when we left the store. "It's a gift for you." Eret seemed happy that they bought it for me. I was worried, but also happy. I decided on saying, "Thanks." instead of arguing.

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When we walked past a book store I saw a familiar author. There was a book in the window that had the same author's name as the book I got from the school library. "Can we go to the bookstore?" I asked Eret. "No need to ask." Eret said going into the bookstore first.

The book store had a new book section, and that's where I saw the author, the same one who I was currently reading one of their books. I picked up the book and read the back of it.

It was about a girl who wanted to confess to another girl, but she didn't know if she also liked girls. So she decided to try and find out without asking. Huh. I guess it sounds interesting.

I found Eret in the store looking at bookmarks. "I'm buying this one." I said to Eret so they wouldn't buy it for me again. "Alright." Eret smiled then we went to check out. I was slightly glad I was able to pay that time.

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We got back to Eret's apartment kind of late but still before dinner. We didn't end up buying much else, just a few knickknacks, like a bookmark, a fun animal-shaped eraser, and smoothies.

When I saw Eret getting ingredients out for dinner I offered to help. It was fun cooking with Eret, even if I've never really cooked much before. We just made some simple mac and cheese, that I found easy to make. So Eret boiled the hot dogs.

Maybe I could ask Eret tonight.

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Eret's Cousin (Phil's Kid universe)Where stories live. Discover now