Jesse gawked, and his eyes widened – an expression of disbelief crossing his face.

    But like always, I had to ruin it. With him somewhat close, I smiled deviously and whispered. "Nice try, but you need to practice in the mirror more if you want that to work."

    With a laugh, I went around him.

        "Why do you take everything I do or say, as a joke?"

    I stopped, hearing the seriousness in his tone, and turned back around. "That's because everything you do and say, is a joke."

    He gave me a harsh look. "Well, for your information, when I said I liked you – I wasn't kidding."

    I paused, seeming to have hesitated too long.

        Great, now no witty response, what's happening to you?

    I watched as he let out a sigh, and turned toward the windows facing out toward the courtyard. There were only a few people around us, hurrying to class, but by now I could care less about what kind of reputation I had when I was with Jesse. I seemed to have ruined everything when I decided running around in a prostitute costume would work.

    I walked up to him, keeping a safe distance away. "Fine, I'm sorry." When he heard that, he side glanced at me, wanting to smile but instantly let it go and turned away again. "What do you want me to do, to make up for taking you as a joke all this time?"

    With wide eyes, he snapped his gaze to me once I finished talking. Almost like he was about to—

    God, this guy was desperate. "I'm not taking my clothes off though."

    He let out a small laugh, and looked away for a second. "I wasn't going to ask that," he said, smiling to himself. After a short second, he turned to me again. "But, there's one thing."

    I stared at him cautiously, preparing to run away, expecting the worst.

    The sound of his stuff dropping to the floor snapped me out of the reverie that was building up when he took a step toward me.

        "I'm going to kiss you," he started. Once he said that, I found myself to be backing away from him – even though he was only walking further towards me. "And don't hit me, or yell, or even run."

    I gave him a stern look, and then tightened the grip on my bag, shifting so that it rose back up to my shoulder. " thanks."

    Before I could walk away, he turned on me. "Don't you think you've tortured me enough?"

        "I should ask you the same thing," I retorted, glaring at him. "When will you get it, Jesse? When will you get that I'm not going to give in?"

        "Why the hell do you think I'm still here? You think I like being turned down all the time? Because to be honest, it sucks." He took a breath, trying to calm himself – though it didn't even seem to be working. "But being that you're not like the girls I'm used to, being turned down over and over isn't going to bother me as much as it should. It's about time you get that."

    I gaped at him, unable to muster up something to say, and froze. He seemed to have done the same, and remained staring at me.

    Just as he was going to turn his gaze away though, something slammed behind me – a locker by the sounds of it. Jesse met my eyes once, before inclining his head to the side to see who it was. At the sight of his gaze turning cold, I turned and looked over my shoulder to see Kale.

Jesse's GirlWhere stories live. Discover now