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It was so cold.

Harry felt barely awake and his dick felt like it was going to fall off. Merlin's ballocks why is it so cold?

As his sense of touch started to come back, he could feel something solid and hard pressing around him. Panic swelled inside him, memories of the cupboard in Europe flashing in his mind. But strangely, Harry felt quite numb to the panic, and those memories were hazed.

He tried to pry open his eyes, but they felt frozen shut. Harry heard something pop. It was dull.

Another pop. It was coming from his mouth.

As soon as he became aware of his mouth, water flooded in. His body than began to move, thrashing and very much alive.

But why was he drowning? Where was he? Somewhere cold and dark, thats for sure.


Harry flinched at the word, swirling around to look for the owner. It sounded like a little boy? He then took notice he was no longer confined, but still very much wet and cold.

'Help me. Please.. it's so cold in here.'

Harry tried to ask how, how he could help. What's your name? Who are you? Do you know where you are?


Harry rolled his eyes. Yes, clearly they were in water. He was looking around the expanse of black around him. If he could just find anything in this void–

Harry froze.

A familiar pair of golden eyes were staring at him through the dark. They glowed and the space around him was illuminated, but nothing was revealed.

'Wake up.'


'Wake up, Harry.'

The world, if he could call it that, started to fade to white. Who–


Harry bolted upright and threw a punch at whoever or whatever was closest. A strangled yelp and thump sounded from beside him. Standing up from his desk and peering over the edge, he winced when he saw he had punched Draco Malfoy. Hurrying to Draco's side he helped the blonde sit up, a stream of blood fell between his pale fingers. "Oh fuck. Shit, I'm so sorry–" Draco placed a hand on Harry's chest,"No no. I deserve it for all the shit I did to you in school," he winced when he saw the caking blood on his hands,"Could've been gentler though."

Harry inwardly recoiled, he never was good with blood was he, and helped Malfoy to his feet,"Why did you wake me?" he asked. Draco sniffed wetly,"Breakfast is almost over. I didn't see you at the hall and wanted to tell you before you were bombarded by students. Little devils.."

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