[22] No time to rest

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Hesitantly, I asked Levi: "Why did you come here to talk? This doesn't look like you at all",

but a loud flash of lightning interrupted me.
The still hot tea immediately fell to the floor and Levi jumped up.

"Why now of all times," he hissed and grabbed me by the wrist.

He pulled me behind him and ran with me into the nearest building. Another flash of lightning sounded behind us. I felt him squeeze my wrist tighter and run a little faster, despite the pain in his leg.

He pulled open the door and dragged me in behind him.

"Quickly that way," he ordered, pointing to the stairs leading to a cellar.

"I'm going to check things out, I'll be right back, stay here," he said sternly and disappeared.

What's going on now? Has Eren turned again? No wait, there were two lightning strikes... The female titan? Here in town?

I didn't have much time to think because Levi came back after a short while.

"Listen, Eren and the Female Titan are fighting with each other right now. Reinforcements will probably be coming soon. There's nothing we can do now but stay down here to protect ourselves from debris," he told me succinctly.

"What's the Female Titan doing here?" I asked, confused.

"The enemy has mingled with the recruits and has now become active, I don't know any more details," he answered.

"I see."

I wonder if I know this person

We had already spent 20 minutes in this small cellar, above us we could hear the loud footsteps of the Titans and also the screams of comrades who were trying to defeat the female Titan.

Levi stood leaning against the wall the whole time, watching the stairs leading up.

The longer I was in this room, the more uncomfortable I felt. The room reminded me of bad experiences and it felt like I couldn't breathe.

When it became too much and this strange feeling became more and more intense, I decided to go outside.

I got up from the floor and walked slowly to the stairs.

"Where are you going?" Levi asked me immediately.

"To..upstairs," I answered in a weak voice.

Levi then stood in my way in front of the stairs and said: "You can't go out now, it's still dangerous outside".

"Please... This room is... Strange", slowly my vision delayed and I started to stagger.

What's wrong now? What's wrong with my body...

"(Y/N), get a grip, hey!"

No matter how much I struggled, it was no use and I toppled forward.

My head fell against Levi's chest and I lost consciousness. He quickly put his arm around my torso as my legs immediately collapsed.

"Tch, why are you keeling over now of all times, what is it with your body all the time...?" he whispered to himself.

- Dream / Memory - .

Two boys dragged me by the arms to a small hut. Once there, they threw me into a room and closed the door behind them.

"You want to be alone, don't you? Let's see how long you can stand being alone in this little hut," one of the boys shouted and then locked the animal door.

"Open the door! Let me out!", desperately I banged on the door, but the boys just laughed and went away.

I spent a long time crying until I finally fell asleep exhausted.

I woke up again with a strong feeling of hunger, desperately banging on the door again and calling for help.

Again and again I called for help, but no one came.
And when I had almost given up, suddenly the door opened.

Standing in front of me was a little boy with bright orange hair, probably the same age as me.

"What are you doing here? Are you all right?" he asked me anxiously.

I immediately burst into tears, relieved to finally be able to get out. The darkness was unbearable.

"Hey, don't cry, it's all right," he tried to reassure me.

"My name is Kyo, by the way, and what's yours?" he added and held out his hand to me, smiling.


- End of dream / memory -.

The sun's rays of light woke me from my slumber. Tired, I rubbed my eyes and sat up.

This dream... I remember when I was a child, I was locked up and left behind by two older boys!

I have to tell the others that I remembered something from my past life again.
Wait a minute, weren't Levi and I hiding from debris just now?
Eren! The female titan!

I quickly got out of bed and went out into the hall to look for someone I knew. I needed to know what had happened and how the others were doing.

Did Levi carry me here despite his leg?

Completely lost in thought, I hardly noticed my surroundings and ran into another person.

I fell to the floor and only then realised that I was only wearing sleeping clothes.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2022 ⏰

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