[13] Departure

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It had been a week since Levi offered me to come along on the expedition.
I opened my eyes and realized that Sasha and Mikasa were not in the room. Of course, I had overslept today of all days. Now I only had half an hour left to get ready and pack my things.

"Shouldn't those two still be here?", I muttered, since their training starts at about the same time as my departure today.

I turned my head to my nightstand, which had a small clock on it.


It wasn't two seconds before I realized the situation and jumped up in a panic.

'Shit! Why didn't anyone wake me up? I'm going to be gone for a week and I have to leave in not even 30 minutes. I'll never manage to pack everything in time and get ready!

I quickly sprinted to my bag to pack all the necessary things.

"Okay okay, toothbrush, wash kit, change of underwear, change of pants, change of shirts...", I counted while packing the bag, hoping I wouldn't forget anything in the rush.

It was now already 05:48 and I had packed my bag as far as I could. I quickly put on my uniform and fixed my hair.

Leaving the room, I glanced at the clock once more.


I only had 6 minutes left to get to the stables. The walk usually took 10 minutes.

I slammed the door and ran as fast as I could to the stables.

Completely sweaty and out of breath I finally arrived at the stables. The others were already sitting on their horses and waiting impatiently for me. I also immediately got an annoyed look from Levi.

"There you finally are (L/N), you're late," he spoke, his voice grumpy.

"Sorry, I overslept," I informed him.

"Tch. Saddle your horses we want to leave right away," he ordered me coldly.

It was 6:11 when we crossed the gates.

As we rode through the gates I looked up into the high and admired the sky, it was a really beautiful day and there was no Titan to be seen either.
I had a good feeling about this mission.

The goal of this mission is to eliminate the Titans that were near the old castle and to stock the place with supplies so that when the next big expedition comes, soldiers can rush to this base to replenish their food, gas and blade supplies.

The journey to the old castle took about an hour and a half.

We reached the castle at 07:48. There were three Titans nearby and immediately Levi ordered us into formation.
I watched as he flew up to the two Titans that were to the left of the castle and finished them off.

The third and slightly smaller Titan was to the right of the castle. I was closest to him, which meant I had to finish him off.

I gathered all my courage and flew towards his neck. With all my might I cut a piece of flesh out of him, it wasn't an extremely clean cut, but it was enough to finish him off.

With wobbly legs I came down on the ground.

I just killed my first Titan... I really killed him by myself.
I took a moment to come down, feeling a little hot with excitement, before I rode off to join the others.

"Good. It seems like those were the only two Titans, tie up the horses and stow the supplies," Levi then ordered us.
The two soldiers from his unit immediately complied.
I also wanted to go on the way, when suddenly Levi came to me.

"What is it Levi?", I asked a little uncertainly.

"Well done.", he said satisfied.

"Th-thank you," I stuttered, embarrassed by his sudden praise.

"Did you sustain any injuries?" he added.

"No, I'm fine," I answered him, still a little puzzled.

"Really? Let me see," Levi insisted, taking a few steps towards me.

When he finally stood inches from me, I noticed the heat rising in my head, I was bright red.

I turned even more red in the face when he suddenly took my arm carefully to check for injuries.

"It seems you really didn't sustain any injuries, I'm reassured."

"Hmph? Why are you shaking?" Levi asked in wonder, looking at my face.

"Do you have a fever?", He gently placed his hand on my forehead.

Immediately my body heated up twice as much, I felt like I was about to pass out.

I quickly slapped his hand away and replied, "H-Hey what are you doing? I said I was fine! -.-"

I faltered a little after knocking his arm from me.

He saw that I was starting to wobble, barely being able to stand anymore.

"My goodness, you're really making a fuss. I didn't bring you here for you to be difficult!" he hissed, throwing me over his shoulders.


"Shut up, brat."

Shifting / Levi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now