[17] Outside the Walls / Part 4

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It was already the last day of the mission.
I was awakened by loud screams coming from the hallway. Tired I rubbed my eyes and got up with a sigh.
I went towards the door and was about to open it when suddenly Petra tore it open and stormed into the room.

"What the hell? What's wrong with you?", I asked her annoyed as she almost slammed the door in my face.

"Oh Auruo is just acting completely out of line again," she replied, clearly irritated.

"It's nothing new, but why does it bother you so much anyway? Just ignore him"

"It bothers me because I know he's actually different. Auruo is a really gentle, loving, nice guy. He would never have dared to act like that back then," she explained, her voice now calmer.

"But ever since he joined Levi's unit with me, he's been so different. He's frantically trying to be like the corporal. He even dresses like him and has the same haircut!" she continued.

There was silence for a moment until I finally asked her directly:

"Tell me Petra... do you have any feelings for Auruo?"

Instantly Petra's face turned bright red, she didn't seem to have expected me to ask her so directly.
Ashamed, she looked down at the ground and finally answered:

"Y-Yes I do... or rather I had. The current Auruo isn't the one I like, but the Old, Nice Auruo who always cared about me"

"I wish for him to become the old one again" she added in a breaking voice as if she was about to start crying.

"Did you ever tell him that, I mean just like you told me just now?", I asked her.

She looked at me with glassy eyes and shook her head.

"Maybe you should tell him later after dinner".

"Mm-hm," she agreed while wiping away her tear that was threatening to fall.

I gave her a quick hug before standing back up.
Then as I was moving to go right out I heard Petra say behind me:

"I'm really glad in these few days to have found such a good friend like you here, (Y/N)".

"I'm glad too and later you'll tell me how it turned out, got it? I want to hear every single detail!", I insisted.

"Got it," a slight giggle was heard from her.

The day passed mostly uneventful. We were all busy with our tasks and only a few Titans showed up, which were quickly defeated by Levi. Petra and Auruo also took down one of the Titans together. The two seemed to be a pretty well-rehearsed team, if only in battle.

After I was finally done with my tasks I made my way inside as we would be eating soon.
Arriving at the entrance, I saw Auruo sitting glumly on the stairs, looking down thoughtfully.

"What's wrong?", I asked him.

Astonished, he looked up at me with his sad eyes into my (E/C) ones.

"Since when are you so thoughtful?", I said with a grin.

He made no reply and ignored me.

No matter how sad he looks, he's still an ass. And he's supposed to have had a nice side, Petra? Unimaginable.

"Well. If you do not want to talk also ok, I'm going in any case, see ya soon."


Once inside, I sat down next to Petra, who was already there and patiently waiting for me.

"Have you talked to Auruo yet?", I asked her.

"No, why?", she replied

"Well... He was sitting glumly by the entrance earlier, I thought you guys had a real fight or something", I explained

"Hmm... funny, he doesn't usually act like that. I'll try to find out after dinner ?", she said

"Do as you please," I replied
We talked some more until finally the rest came and we ate together.

After eating, I gave Petra another encouraging look before watching her ask Auruo to go outside with him for a bit.

I waited for about 10 minutes before I finally went outside to see if the two of them were arguing or making out.

I sat down on the stairs outside by the entrance and searched the surroundings with my eyes for the two. I spotted the two to my right against the wall, of the building. Unlike I had expected, the two wore a big smile on their faces and seemed to be having fun.

Before Petra said goodbye to him and came to me, she gave Auruo a kiss on the cheek.
Auruo's cheeks were colored a dark shade of red. He stood there like that for a moment until he finally headed off in the other direction.

"Aww. It's cute," I gushed to myself.

"Tch, gross," an annoyed voice sounded behind me in response.
It was Levi, who was just on his way inside and apparently didn't want to see this romance shit

„ oi", I gave him a nasty look.

"Don't oi me, brat. Now go inside too and get some sleep instead of watching those two. Tomorrow we leave early" he ordered grumpy.

"Okaaay" I pouted for a moment and then got up to go inside.

Later in the room, Petra came in to tell me that she wanted to help Auruo with the night watch outside at the castle, until she spun out of the room again in a good mood.
"Have fun," I called after her.

I laid down in bed and sank into thoughts for a moment before I finally fell asleep.

She didn't tell me what happened at all. But it's nice that these two found each other in this cruel world. You never know when it might be too late for something like that.

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