[21] Pain

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I didn't wait long before I quickly made my way to the inside of the forest with the help of my 3DMA.

I flew as fast as I could through the many tall trees to get to the action as quickly as possible.
The loud screams of the Titan I heard had become completely quiet.

After a few minutes I came across the first corpses. Among them was a soldier from the special unit. However, I hardly knew him and did not know his name anymore, but I still felt an uneasiness inside me.

 However, I hardly knew him and did not know his name anymore, but I still felt an uneasiness inside me

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Was he a friend of Petra and Auruo?

Still with a queasy feeling, I flew through the large forest to reach Eren and the others.
I hoped that my friends would be all right, but before my eyes I saw the motionless body of Auruo lying in the grass.

I hoped that my friends would be all right, but before my eyes I saw the motionless body of Auruo lying in the grass

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A few meters away from him, on a tree, was Petra's lifeless body, looking up at the sky.

A few meters away from him, on a tree, was Petra's lifeless body, looking up at the sky

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I immediately ran to Petra and sat down in front of her. I couldn't take my glassy, (E/C) eyes off her and felt tears forming uncontrollably and running down my cheeks. I felt a strong stinging in my chest.

A few minutes I sat there just like that, until finally the loud footsteps tore me out of my grief.

It was the female titan, who could be seen about 500 meters in front of me, together with two other soldiers circling around him.
I stood up and took a few steps forward to get a closer look at the scenario and recognized two faces that were familiar to me.

Levi and Mikasa!
But where is Eren?

Mikasa flew in front of the titan to distract him, while Levi approached him from behind to attack the neck, however the female titan noticed this and suddenly lunged backwards to strike.

Skillfully, Levi dodged this blow and rammed his blades in along the Titan's arm.

He threw his two blunted blades into the Titan's eyes and pushed him towards a large tree, where he finally fell to the ground after cutting the back of It's knees.

The titan now sat weakened on the ground and no longer moved. Mikasa apparently saw her chance and flew at high speed to the Titan's neck.

Levi realized in a flash that the Titan was ready to catch Mikasa with his hand, so he stopped her, but his leg came up awkwardly and he looked pained.

With all his strength, he cut open the jaw of the titan and pulled a person out of her mouth.

Mikasa, Levi and the person in Levi's arms flew out of the forest, and I followed them immediately.

After finally seeing the clearing of the forest, I caught up with Levi and Mikasa.

"Levi! Mikasa!", I called out to them.

Surprised, the two looked at me.

"What are you doing here?!", Levi asked me, upset.

"I was worried and-"

"So what! You have no business being here, do you know how dangerous that was of you? A lot of soldiers died in there!" he interrupted me angrily.

"Tch.Here take Eren and fly to the carts," he added.

So Eren is fine... I am relieved

Immediately I obeyed Levi's order and set off with Eren.

After 3 hours we were finally back at the headquarters. There were many casualties and we also had to leave some of the dead bodies behind so that we would not be caught up by Titans, among them was Petra's body.

I immediately went to the training area and sat down on a bench outside the compound to collect my thoughts.
A lot happened today. I still couldn't quite realize what happened today and that Petra is now gone.

The longer I thought about it, the more my eyes filled with tears.

I sat there for quite a while until finally the sun slowly set.
I had already stopped crying and was just staring into the void.

The other soldiers were now all in their rooms, after this cruel day.

I heard behind me faint steps coming towards me and when I looked back, I saw Levi, who was coming towards me with a warm cup of tea.
Quietly he sat down next to me.

"Levi, can you walk yet? I heard you hurt your leg," I asked, surprised that he had come to me.

"Yes, it's just a sprain," he answered curtly.

"Here," he said and handed me the still warm tea.

Hesitantly, I looked briefly into his empty eyes before finally accepting the tea.

"Thank you...", I mumbled weakly and smiled slightly at him.

Levi looked into my reddened eyes until he spoke:
"Do you want to talk about what happened today?"

At this question, I just looked at him confused, tears forming in my eyes. I fell silent.

After a moment, I finally answered him:


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