[19] The 57th expedition behind the walls

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Drenched in sweat and trembling, I jumped up. I must have had a nightmare that woke me from my sleep.

In my dream I could see how all my comrades, covered in blood, ran away from a large figure, but in vain. None of them made it, and I was pulled into the dark figure after watching Levi and his unit die one after the other.

„It's gonna be okay, the last mission went fine. This one is no different, there's just a few more soldiers than usual, my friends will be fine",I tried to tell myself.

I quickly wiped the beads of sweat off my face and went into the bathroom to get ready. Sasha and Mikasa were already in the bathroom getting ready as well. Sasha was combing Mikasa's hair while she was brushing her teeth.

"Good morning guys," I greeted them both.

"Oh hey, isn't it a little early for you? Usually you sleep an extra twenty minutes," Sasha asked me.

"Yeah I had a nightmare," I told her.

"About today? Don't worry, we've gotten strong and whatever today is, we can handle it," Sasha encouraged me.

"I know, but what if something goes wrong and I or any of us die-",

"Nothing will happen to you," Mikasa interrupted me.

"I'll protect you two if its necessary," Mikasa added firmly.

"Aww you're so cute," Sasha whined and hugged Mikasa.

"Let go of me Sasha," she hissed but smirked slightly.

Together the three of us were still chatting happily as we got ready before we would eventually have to go to the commander, who would hopefully explain everything about the expedition to us.

When we arrived at the commander, Erwin Smith, the other soldiers were already there, including a few from the Wall garrison, just like Connie told us yesterday.

As expected, Erwin told us about the expedition:

The 57th expedition behind the walls is led by the survey corps to learn more about the Titans. The expedition is led by Erwin, who also assigned us to the various squads.

I was in a unit together with Armin, on the right side of the formation.
Mikasa and her unit were on the left side of the formation, as was Sasha.
In the middle of the formation would be Commander Erwin Smith at the top, and just below that would be the Special Forces unit led by Levi.

Our job will probably be to shoot a beacon at Titan sightings.
We were explained the respective meanings of the colors and how we have to use them.

Red - Titan sighted.
Black - Abnormal Titan sighted.
Blue - Retreat order.
Green - Changes the direction of the formation, but this is shot exclusively by the commander to change the direction of the formation.

That was all that was explained to us, we were not privy to any details about the expedition, it seemed only the special forces and Erwin knew of their true intent.
Among them was Eren, who was in the special unit with Levi.
It really bugs me. This uncertainty.

"Forward soldiers!" shouted the commander, Erwin Smith, as the gate opened in front of us. Immediately, everyone began to ride off.

As I rode ahead, I glanced to the middle, of the formation, to get a glimpse of the special forces. Among them were my two friends, Eren and Petra.

Levi was also with them, sitting on his black horse in front of them. He looked forward, unimpressed, until his eyes met mine.

Looking in my direction, his expression changed and became a little softer than usual. His eyes also widened a little, there was concern in them. I smiled a little at him and quickly looked forward again to avoid further eye contact.

What the hell was that about? He's never looked at me like that before, is he worried about me? But why should he, we're going to avoid the Titans on this mission anyway...?

I must have imagined it

We've been riding for an hour now, and so far, no complications. We were able to successfully redirect the formation each time there was a Titan sighting.

It was all going really suspiciously well. So well, in fact, that my gut was telling me more and more by the minute that something couldn't be right here.

Unfortunately, to our disadvantage, my gut feeling did not deceive me either.

Shifting / Levi x ReaderDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora