[12] Levis offer

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It was 05:30 a.m. Breakfast is over and the morning workout would start in 15 minutes.

Me and my friends took our dishes away and slowly made our way to the training ground. Today we would train with Levi, but I didn't know yet which discipline It'd be today.

05:45 o'clock, start of training.
Everyone was already on the field and waited patiently for Levi, who stood in front of us and just looking unimpressed, to announce which discipline it is today.

"We're going into the woods, you guys practice with the 3DMA and focus! I don't want to see any stupid accidents, .. again" he ordered us sternly.
Was that a reference to my accident?
Immediately everyone saluted before briskly making their way to the 3DM equipment.

The whole training, I literally felt Levi's piercing eyes on me. Why was he watching me all the time?
Oh whatever, I can't get distracted now, I'm not going to make another stupid mistake and fall, so he can make fun of me.
Now he can see what I can really do.

I shut off all my thoughts to concentrate and then quickened my pace.
Skillfully, I took out one target after another in a short time.

Everyone was visibly surprised that I was able to kill the cardboard titans so quickly and precisely, which was also noticeable after the training.

"Wow (Y/N), that was incredible," Jean said with a slight redness on his face.

"Yeah, how come you only got 7th place back then, " Connie added.

"Well, I guess I've improved since then," I said, proudly.

I got a few more compliments from my teammates about my performance today, until suddenly Levi came up to us.

Quickly everything went quiet and the lance corporal spoke up: "(L/N), will you come with me for a moment?"

What's going on now, did I do something wrong?

Me and Levi were now away from the others.
I was already bracing myself to be told something negative, but it didn't turn out that way.

"Really good performance today, (Y/N)" he said with satisfaction.

Wait, a compliment... from him?

"Thank you, I put in an extra effort today," I told him with a smile.

"Why today of all days?" he asked me curiously.

'Well, because I wanted to impress you, dummy,' I thought, but didn't say it.

'Oh just because,' I mumbled.

He just raised an eyebrow, before continuing again, "Ok, it's irrelevant now.
There's an expedition in a week, at a base, outside the walls.
A few soldiers from my unit are too busy, as they will be helping Hanji on another expedition at the same time.
I led the training today to look for capable soldiers, and you, of all people, came up."

"Will you accompany me next week, (Y/N)?" he asked finally.

Completely overwhelmed, I looked at him with wide eyes.

"This a chance to move up to the elite unit," he added, knowing damn well what he needed to say to get me to agree.

"So what's your answer?", he asked.

"Oh you had me at ''accompany you'' ", I jokingly thought out loud.

"What?" -Levi asked since he didn't understand it right, he believed.

"What?", I just asked back.

"Good then, I'll see you Monday at 6am by the horses, keep your luggage as small as possible," He then told me and left.

The training was now finished, everybody left the training ground, also me and my friends, Sasha, Mikasa, Armin, Jean and Connie.

We sat down outside the compound on a grassy area to relax a bit.
I excitedly told them about what Levi had told me and they were all happy for me, knowing how long I had dreamed of joining the Elite.

"Aren't you scared at all though (Y/N)? You know how dangerous the Titans are, just think about the case in Shiganshina!", Armin asked me worriedly and they also looked at me gloomily.

"Yes, of course I'm scared, very scared in fact, but after all this is my chance to finally join the elite.
I can do it, just trust me, I'm stronger now," I tried to convince the others.

"Well, if you say so, I have confidence in you and your abilities, especially after today's training!", Sasha assured me, and Mikasa also agreed with her directly.

Eventually, the others were halfway convinced as well and turned their attention to another topic of conversation.

I, on the other hand, let myself fall backwards and stared up at the sky.

So next week I'm going on an expedition. This will be my first time outside the walls. Oh man, I'm so excited.

Please let everything go well.

Shifting / Levi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now