Piper lightly smiled at her mom.

But she could tell by the hesitant look on her face how much this is hurting her.

"But what if it doesn't?" Her voice cracks as a tear falls down her face slowly.

Her mom hates to see her like this.

"Pipes, I promise you it will be fine. Of course their will be ups and downs but no matter what you both love each other, and you're going over to his to bring him to the airport later? Tell him all this."

She nodded sadly.

"Yeah his flight is at 10pm."

"And when Finn comes back I'll make him his favourite dinner okay." She says which makes her giggle.

"Thanks mom. I love you."

Deborah smiled at her daughter and hugged her tightly more than usual as she knows this will take quite a while to get used to and not have her boyfriend in her company. "I love you too."

Piper returned to her bedroom after talking to her mom about her and Finn's relationship and from as soon she leaves him in the airport, they will be in a long-distance relationship. And then there will loads of crying and cuddles from her mother.

And then it'll be Piper's turn to hop on that plane on the weekend, heading to New York City. But that means she'll be the last sibling to leave home and to leave her mother, which she is definitely not ready for that yet.

She sits on her bed and sighs deeply as she looks around her bedroom and gazes and thinks back to all those 3 years Finn has ever been round here and now the next time he'll be in her arms, that'll be ages to wait.

All of that will be gone for a while.

Back at Finn's house, his whole family is cherishing every single moment they have with him today before he leaves to go on tour.

He is in the middle of packing for tour in his bedroom, then someone knocks on his door.

"Finny, can I come in?" Chloe his littlest sister says.

"Yeah of course."

The door slowly opens and reveals a emotional Chloe, her plaits all messy and undone and her face all teary.

It's relatable as the whole house has been very emotional since he told the whole family he was going on tour for a whole year.

Finn turns over to his sister and takes her hand and helps her sit on the edge of his bed watching him pack.

"What's wrong Chlo?" Finn sees her crying and kneels down next to her.

"..Mummy and Daddy are talking about you going on tour and you leaving tonight and it makes me cry because I'm going to miss you so much." Chloe cries and he wraps his arms around hers.

This breaks his heart as him and Chloe are very close, when his dad cheated on their mom and Chloe was very little, their bond became very strong during the hard times.

Then he looks at her serious.

"Chlo, just remember that I love you more than this whole world, and I seriously don't know what I'm going to cope without seeing you for a whole year." Finn tells her and squeezes her hand.

Finn opens one of his drawers and finds an ipad and hands it to his little sister and she smiles excitedly.

"Here have this. As soon I found out about tour I immediately had to get you one so you can contact me on, so it will feel less scary being away from me. Good news as well, you can text Piper whenever she's in New York." Finn smiles.

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