Bonus chapter: Not the end, but we're ok.

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Many people were cut with the Oni's katanas that night. Melissa McCall, Noah Stilinski, Jordan Parrish... Carolinne had just been the first. "They're all going to die.", Void had said. "Everyone touched by an Oni's blade". The poison acted quickly in the victims' bodies, and all of the humans were indeed dying very fastly. Carolinne, however, was in a state of balance: the poison wouldn't let her heal, but the Alpha spark wouldn't let her die. It was a matter of when one of the sides would finally outweight the other.

When Scott bit Void Stiles and defeated him, all of the people whose lives were fading away started healing; and it was no different with the teenage Alpha. Like every sigle person who's been attacked by the Oni, Carolinne was free of the poison, finally being able to heal from the wound and come back from the one fight that everybody had feared she wouldn't. She woke up in her room, alone, and for one moment she had no idea of what had happened.
-What the...

Then she remembered everything. Pushing Allison out of the Oni's way, feeling the sharp pain of the blade piercing through her skin and the poison running in her veins, Scott with Alli and Liz begging her not to die and Lydia screaming from somewhere. Lydia's voice tearing through the air had been the last thing Carol had heard before blacking out. Lydia... Was Lydia ok? Carolinne hadn't seen her before being attacked, and she hadn't seen Stiles either; for what she knew, they could both be dead, and that thought was painful, so she quickly pushed it away. Right now, she had no idea of where her friends were, and "Oh God, do they think I'm dead?! Does DEREK think I'm dead?! DOES JACKSON THINK I'M DEAD?!". Were her parents ok?!
-MOM? DAD? -She called, and heard quick footsteps coming desperatly upstairs.
-CAROLINNE!! -Her parents rushed to where she was in the bed and she was involved in a tight hug with Olivia in one side and David in the other.
-I knew you were going to be ok, Care. -Olivia said.
-How are you feeling? -David askes. -Does anything hurt?
-I'm ok, Dad, thank you. -She assured, and the three finally pulled away. -How's everyone? Did they save Lyds?
-Lydia is safe, Honey, your friends were on their way to one last attempt to stop the Nogitsune the last time Scott called me. Everyone was devastaded, Care. -Olivia explained. -They were so scared you wouldn't wake up.
-And Jackson? And Derek?
-Derek was the one who brought you here. He was... Controlled. And Jackson doesn't know. We didn't want him worrying, so we were only gonna tell him if...
-If I died. -She finished. -Can you please call my friends and Derek?
-Yes, Sweetie, of course.

-It's Mr. Whittemore. -Derek told them, looking at the phone.
-Oh, God. -Lydia brought her hands to her chest.
-Pick it up. -Scott encouraed.
-Ok. -He sighed and picked up the phone. -Hello?
-Hey Derek. Is the rest of the pack there?
-Yes. -He and Scott could feel their hearts tightening and beating faster.
-Good. She's awake. She's healed.
-THANK GOD! -Scott exclaimed, while the rest of the pack smiled and sighed in relief, taking his celebration as a sign that Carol was ok. Lydia and Allison hugged each other, Stiles felt a weight lift itself off his shoulders, and even stoic Derek and Peter were smiling.
-Can we come over? -Derek asked him.
-Please do so. She'll be happy to see you.

-CARE! -Lydia rushed inside Carol's room, followed by the rest of the pack. -Oh, my God, you're ok!
-I'm ok! -The alpha opened her arms and embraced her best friend in a hug.
-We thought we'd lost you. -Scott told her, and she hugged him after Lydia let go of her.
-You didn't. You won't.
-CJ, Don't you EVER scare us like this again!! Do you hear me? NEVER! -Liz threw a playful puch at Carol's shoulder and they both laughed.
-I'll try not to
-Care, you saved my life. -Allison stated, looking at her friend.
-I'm glad I did.
-You... Thank you so much, I'll forever be in debt with you.
-Alli, you don't owe me anything, ok? -Carol assured her. -I chose to save you because you're my bestie and I love you.
-Thank you, Carolinne. -Chris said. That girl was the reason his daughter was still alive.
-You're welcome. I'd do it again without hesitating.
-I'm so glad you're ok. -Kira smiled. -I'm kind of new to this boat, but I like to be your friend.
-I like being your friend too, Kira.
-Carol. -Stiles was still not sure what to say. -I... I'm so sorry.
-Don't be. That wasn't you.
-If anything had happened to you... -He stopped to breathe and rubbed his watery eyes. He would have never forgiven himself; that was his face on the Nogitsune, after all.
-If I had died, it wouldn't have been your fault. You were a victim in all of this, just like the rest of us. -She pulled him to a tight hug, and he hugged back just as strongly. Both of them had started the night with few chances of surviving until the end of it, and yet, here they were, standing and strong.

Both of the twins and Isaac also hugged her. Neither of them was that close to her, but they were glad she was alive and well. The truth is that they had started to grow on her, just like she'd started to grow on them; maybe that's what happens when a group of people fights an ancient demon toghether.
-You really aren't afraid of testing the limits of death, are you, Blondie? -Peter smiled and placed a hand on her shoulder.
-No, and you already knew that when you bit me. Anyway, I can't believe Peter Hale himself is here to check on me. -She teased and smiled. -Weren't you a sociopath or something?
-Don't ruin the moment. -He rolled his eyes and chuckled. -I am a sociopath, but a sociopath who likes a crazy Blondie.
-I'll take that as a compliment.

After that, she looked at Derek, who was standing by the bedroom door and still hadn't said anything at all.
-I was expecting a slightly warmer greeting. -She raised a brow at him. -Or any greeting at all, at this point.

He wanted to talk. He wanted to tell her that he'd thought she was going to die, and that it had been too fucking painful, that he was sorry for not being there in time to save her. He wanted to push past everyone and take her in his arms, and never let her go again. He wanted to kiss her, and feel her scent, and touch her hair. But if he started talking, he wouldn't stop, if he hugged her, he wouldn't let go, and the whole pack was watching them so he just chose to stay quiet.
-Wow. Ok. -She nodded at his silence.
-Hey guys! -Olivia arrived, breaking the ice. -David and I set up some snacks downstairs, so, who's hungry?
-All of us. -Stiles and Isaac answered at the same time and exchanged a weirded look; they weren't used to agreeing.
-Excellent! Let's go downstairs then, shall we?

One by one, all of the pack members left the room and went down, followed by Carolinne's mother. All except for Derek.
-Derek, why aren't you talking to me? -Carol asked him. Instead of answering, he picked her up from the ground and kissed her, passionate and deeply.
-I thought you were dying. -He mumbled.
-I told you, the world can't get rid of Carolinne Jane Whittemore that easily. Besides, I still owe you your dream date. You didn't answer my question, whe weren't you talking to me?
-Because I don't need an audience to hear me. -He let go of her and thet sat on thr bad.
-Ugh, you don't have to be so controlled all the time, you know? I'm not a fan of Damon Salvatore, but he wasn't entirely wrong when he said "control is overrated".
-Control has kept me standing for the past seven years.
-For one second there, I actually thought you didn't want to talk to me.
-Are you serious?! I thought you were gonna die. By the way, don't ever do that again.
-Yeah, sure, I'll try to stay alive for as long as I can. That's the plan, you know?
-I'm serious.
-Me too! It's not like I was trying to die, I was trying to save my friend. And I did, Allison is ok, so it was worth it. I'd do it again, not only for her, but also for any of my friends, my family, and for you.
-No. Promisse you'll never sacrifice yourself for me.
-Would you sacrifice yourself for me?
-You know I would. Any time.
-Then you know I can't promisse not to do the exact same thing. Love is mutual.

They kissed again, letting themselves be totally involved with the moment.
- ARE YOU COMING DOWN OR WHAT? -Stiles yelled from downstairs, cutting thr vibe.
-WE'RE GOING! -Carol yelled back while they both sighed and chuckled.
-We'll continue this later? -He smirked playfully.
-Oh, absolutely. Let's go.

They went downstairs and joined the rest of the group for a night of snacks and moviea. A night that was filled with laughter, hope, smiles, and fun. A normal fraction of time thar they woulfd remember forever. They all knew that the Nogitsune hadn't been the last enemy they'd face, but they also knew they had each other no matter what. And for now, they were ok.

Now, how long that peace would last? That's a story for another day. Because we all know that this was only half of the Beacon Hills pack's adventures. What's gonna happen next? What does the future hold for Carolinne and Derek? Will we get to know more of her family? Well, I'll see you soon in the other half of this road!😉

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