Bonus Chapter: A confusing thing.

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The next day, she was walking in the woods, taking some fresh air, going nowhere in special (Okay, maybe she was going in a specific direction, but no one has to know that).
-You're transpassing.
-It's my hobby. But have you ever thought of putting a sign?
He laughed and aproached her.
-May I join you?
They walked for a few seconds without saying anything and he started:
-So, you're one of us now.
-Yeah... The mark is already gone.
-I still can't figure why he bit you.
-Me neither. I guess we'll never know.
-Carolinne... About what you said last night...-
-I said many things last night.
-The thing about not wanting a pack.
-I knew you were gonna bring it up at some point...
-Why do you want to be an Omega? Why can't you just join me?
-Because, quoting my favorite character of all times, "I'm happy as I am, and I love my liberty too well to be in a hurry to give it up for any mortal man". No offense, but the last thing I need is an Alpha to boss me arround.
-That's not how it works.
-Yes, it is. I know the dynamics. Alphas are leaders, they give the orders and "protect" the pack, while Betas are followers, they take the orders and in exchange they are "protected". This hierarchy thing goes against my beliefs.
-I'm quite sure the laws of the supernatural are stronger than your beliefs.
-That's because you've never had to face my beliefs. Alphas may have the red eyes, but in my life, I've got the red scrunchie.
-But you're wrong, it's not like that. The members in a pack all protect and support each other. They are friends.
-Are they, really?
-What's that supposed to mean?
-When I think of friends, I think of the people who truly like me, and want me to be a part of their lives, and for whom I feel the same way. Pack mates hang toghether because they have to. They are linked by this supernatural connection that sort of forces them to be "friends". That's not real friendship, and it's kind of depressing if you think about it.

After hearing that, he stopped walking, and she was quite confused until she saw his slightly hurt expression.
-It's better than being alone.
-No, you don't have a say on the matter! You don't know what it's like to be alone.
-You're making it sound like I'm going to isolate myself from the rest of society. I just don't want to make it formal, or official, or whatever it is that you call it. Not joining a pack doesn't mean being alone.
-Not for you, it definetely doesn't. Look at you Carolinne! You're pretty, smart, talkatve, and likable. Not all of us have that blessing. Werewolves like their packs because they feel wanted and welcomed.
-At the cost of their freedom and independence! Why are we even having this argument when it's clearly not about me anymore? You said it yourself, I'm not alone. By the way, I... Thank you. For the compliments.
-Uh... You're welcome?
-Look, we're not going to agree on this. In case you haven't realised, you and I are very different people.I know that the whole pack thing might be cool for most werewolves, but it's not who I am. I know you don't understand it, but I'm asking you to respect it.
He sighed deeply and looked right into her eyes, and in that moment she felt as if his green irises were scanning every corner of her soul.
-I don't understand many things about you.
-Is that so bad?
-Not exactly, it more like... Confusing.
-What things do you not understand about me?
-I... You... You like all those romantic books and movies, but you don't agree with the main idea of the whole thing. Your social circle is huge but you are completely individualistic. You're a high school popular, pink little preppy, but you're also the girl who carries I don't know how many daggers and throw knives arround. You look at that disturbing movie like child looks at a piece of candy, which is the most bizaar thing I've ever seen, but for some reason it's also cute.

She stared at him, not able to keep herself from smiling at his words. Because really, when he put like that, it truly didn't make sense. But she was who she was.
-I have no idea what to say.
He stepped closer, and closer, and when he stopped, there was hardly one inch between them.
-Then don't say anything. -He whispered, and next thing she knew, he was pressing his lips agains hers, and she instantly kissed back, feeling like she was in heaven. His hands went down her back, stopping at her waist, while hers went all the way up to the back of his neck, and when they finally pulled back, it felt like it had lasted forever and yet not long enough.
-Wow... -Was all thar came out of her mouth.
-That was...
-Since when?
-Since "The Exorcist". -He looked down.
-Me too. -She could feel her cheeks burning, but there were butterflies in her stomach, and it felt amazing. And she wanted more. So she pulled him to another kiss, passionate and intense. They could listen to each other's heartbeats in sync, and she felt a shiver run tbrough her whole body as his fingers slid up the back of her neck and back down her hair while she kept hers in the space between his neck and his shoulders.
And when they pulled back once again, both of them thought of how things had changed since the first time they'd met in those same woods. If nearly two months ago someone had told the "sassy little teenager" and the "creepy woods guy" that they would end up liking each other, they would have laughed at the person's face. But now they were here. And they didn't know what the future held for them and their friends, but in that moment being here was all they cared about.

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