Chapter 16: Stories, romance.

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(For those who don't remember what the Whittemore house is like!)————————————————It all happened so fast

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(For those who don't remember what the Whittemore house is like!)
It all happened so fast. She couldn't see the person, but she knew it was a man, so she tried the most obvious target. She quickly bent her knees and lifted both feet to hit him right between his legs, and thankfully, it worked. She pulled out the knife she kept in her waist and turned arround to stab him, but once she saw who it was, she put the knife back in her waist and sighed in relief.
-Hey. -He was still bent over in pain.
-Oh my God, I thought you were a kidnaper! I could have hurt you.
-Could have? This is literally one of the only things that I can't immediately heal from.
-That's because there's no wound.
-It still hurts. A lot.
-I'm sorry. Geez, I almost stabbed you.
-Do you seriously have a knife in your waist?
-Not all of us have supernatural strenght to defend ourselves. I have one in my waist, one in my purse, and one in my back. Depending on the outfit, I also keep one in my sleeve, one in my jacket's inside pocket and if I'm wearing boots I put one there too. Anyway, what are you doing here?
-I... -The truth was, he didn't know. He'd spent the past four days in the shadows, hiding from the police, from the hunters, and from everyone. He didn't even know where he was going when he found himself standing in the back of the Whittemore house and he thought "Why not?", and now he was there. -I was arround and decided to stop by and... Let you know that I'm alive.
-Well, thank you for doing so. I never thought I'd say that, but I'm glad to see you, Sourwolf.
-You're keeping that nickname, aren't you?
-Yes, obviously.
He sighed.
-That's it then, I'd better get going.
-Be careful. It's a lot more dangerous than you think arround here. You could easily get caught.
-I know.
-Believe me, you don't. Where are you going, by the way?
-To my house.
She looked at him like he was insane:
-Are you trying to get yourself killed?!
-You can't stay in your house, it's too obvious.
-Whenever the police goes there, I run.
-They might catch you eventually. Besides, we both know that it's not only the police coming after you. And with the full moon tonight, the hunters will me more dangerous than usual.
-They've already looked there today.
-And you really think that they aren't coming back? That's exactly what they want you to believe! Look: the concept of an old house in the middle of the woods is already a cliché, but more than that, it's your old house in the middle of the woods. You know every room, every door, every corner. It' the perfect hiding spot, but everybody knows it's the perfect hiding spot, which makes it the worst hiding spot. You can't be there tonight.
What she was saying made sense. He knew it. But he didn't have a choice.
-I don't have anywhere else to go.
-Duh, of course you do! You can stay here!-She pointed at her own house.

He looked at the house then back at her, amd repeated that a few times.
-What? I... Are you sure?
-Yes! Mom and Dad are working late, so they won't be home anytime soon, and Jackson is at the sporting goods store, then he has a date with Lydia and he's crashing at her house. It's perfect and safe. No one's gonna look for you in my attic.
He just stared at her without saying a word. Why was she helping him? Why did she care?
-So... -She continued talking. -It's getting dark. Let's go inside.
-Sure. Uhm... Thank you.
She smiled.
-You're welcome, Sourwolf.
They walked through the back door into a short hall that lead to the kitchen.
-Do you want sometning to drink? -She offered. -Water, coffee... You know what, I'll make some coffe.
-No, thanks. I'm not really a fan of coffee. But I'll take the water.

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