Chapter 20: Dignity.

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Chapter 20:

Like 99% of the messes Carolinne gets herself into, this one started with a call from Stiles.
-I'm gonna block you.
-Peter's with Melissa.
She froze.
-He's pretending to be a medical rep that came to the hospital taking her on a date. Scott and I are going to follow them and try to stop him. So, you're coming right? And Scott's not coming in the jeep, so yes, you can take the front seat.
-Where are you?
-On my way to Scott's.
-I'll be there asap.
She turned off and got dressed. Her blood was burning with fury for what must have been the millionth time in those two days. She couldn't believe that Peter had gone that far. She couldn't believe that Derek had taken his side; the same Derek with whom she's shared her childhood history and her thoughts about relationships was now in the enemie's side. The thought made her want to break everything arround.
But she wasn't going to stand still. No, she had to do something. If Peter was building a pack, she could just as easily get herself a small army. All it took was a text:

   Carol: Hey! How would you feel about coming to BH with your family? And come prapared to fight.

If Peter wanted a war, then that's what he would get.

She arrived there two minutes before Stiles and rushed inside the Jeep when he got there. Just after Stiles had started driving, Carol's phone beeped.

    Alice: What happened?
    Carol: Peter Hale is the Alpha.
   Alice: Wasn't he commatosed?
   Carol: Yes. He killed his own niece to take her Alpha powers and heal faster. Now Derek is on his side and they are both born wolves, and they are powerful and well trained. We have no chance against them, which is why I need your help.
   Alice: I'll talk to my family. Trinity is not that far from BH. We have to get ready, but we'll be there. Until then, good luck, CJ.
   Carol: Thanks, Alice.
-Who is it? -He asked.
-Just a friend. Hey, what does Peter even want with Melissa?
-He says that it might be easier to convince Scott to join his pack if she is also a part of it.
-F*cking bastard...
-Look, it's them! -Stiles exclamed.
-Stop the car!
But he didn't. He hit the back of their car, and Melissa walked out, not very happy.
-Aww, are you kidding me? Stiles!
-Mrs. McCall?
-Wow, this is... This is just crazy. What a coincidence, huh? I mean, I do not know what happened, you guys just came out of the nowhere.
-Came out of the nowhere? We were parked on the side of the road, Stiles.
-How crazy is that?
-Who's idea it was to put you and Carolinne in a car without the supervision of a normal person?
-Hey, I was just texting! -Carol defended herself.
-We should probably call the cops, you know, do like an accident report thing.-Stiles sugested.
-I don't think it's necessary. -Peter said.
-Are you sure? I think I'm feeling a little whipplash.
-Whiplash? -Melissa yelled. -YOU HIT US!
-I don't know, there's definitely something wrong with my neck.
They continued to argue, but Scott called Carol.
-What is it?
-I think they are gonna hurt your brother.
-I'm on my way to the old Hale House, I'll try to stop him.
-I'll be there as soon as my human speed allows me. Run Scott, please!!
She turned to Stiles and Melissa.
-Melissa, can I have him for a moment? It will be quick.
-Fine. But we are NOT done here, Stiles.
Carol pulled him away for a second.
-I have to go?
-Why? What happened?
-It's Jackson. Scott thinks Derek has him. Stiles, if anything happens to my brother, I... -She started panting, she could feel the pressure in her lungs rise.
-Woah, relax. Breathe. It's gonna be ok. Go, I'll handle things here.
-Thank you. -She managed to controll her breath and started running.

She ran like she never had in her life. In that moment she forgot how angry she was at Jackson, how he'd been an idiot about the whole werewolf thing, how their last conversation had been an argument. All she could think of was that Derek had her brother, and that she didn't know who Derek was anymore. She didn't know she didn't know how far he was willing to go, and she didn't know what was his point, but she did know that her brother was at his mercy. And in the worst scenario, he could have already been killed. The thought made her stomach twist and her head throb, but she kept running, because she needed to see him, she needed to know that Scott had saved him.
She needed to know that they would have more movie nights, more arguments, more inside jokes that nobody else understood, more musicals that she would make him watch, more games where she would cheer for him.
She was so lost in her own thoughts that she didn't even see the way to the house. She couldn't even tell how she'd gotten there in the first place, because she was paying no attention at all to the environament arround her, but when she realised, there she was, standing in front of the remains of the once magestic Hale House.
She walked in to see Scott and Derek, both wolfed out.
-Move. -Derek demanded.
-Fine. I'll kill you too.
Carol didn't think twice. She got the sharpest dagger she had and threw it in their direction, hitting the back of Derek's neck.
He fell to his knees in pain, and Scott quickly went back to normal, walking to the side and revealing her brother sitting in the stairs.
He looked shocked, there were tear tracks on his face and he was trembling slightly. She ran towards him, nearly trippimg in the steps. She could feel her own eyes sting as they hugged each other.
-Are you ok?
-I'm fine.
-I'm so sorry.
-It wasn't your fault.
They stayed like that for a few seconds and once they got up, Jackson and Scott moved towards the door as she standed next to where Derek was laying. He had a look of anger in his face, but it wasn't enough to cover the pain caused by the wolfsbane covered blade digged into the back of his neck. Carolinne looked at him and hell, it was a miracle that her blood haddn't vaporized by now, because she could feel it boil in her veins yet one more time.
-You stab me in the back, you let Scott's mother be involved in this shit, and now you nearly kill my brother... And all for what? To please the man who killed your sister. Ever heard of something called... Dignity?
He didn't answer, but his gaze sharpened. She kneeled beside him, and pulled her dagger out, but nor without warning:
-Think twice before you mess with me again, because next time, I might leave it there.
She was walking to leave with Scott and Jackson when they heard the familliar noise of something being shot.
-Cover your eyes! -Derek yelled.
Everything happened so fast. She could hear the shooting, and the glass shattering, and she felt Derek push her away and scream:
-Scott, go!
She could hear Scott caughing and breathing heavily, which was a sign that he'd been shot, but even after opening her eyes she couldn't see anything. After her eyes had ajusted, she saw Scott sitting in a corner, blood gushing from his stomach.
-Run! -Derek told them. Nothing.
-Scott, go! -But when Scott didn't move, he got up from where he was and helped the three teenagers out. The thing is, when he opened the door, he was also sacrifucing himself, because he was going exactly where the hunters wanted him to.

Once they were out, the three ran for their lives, and Scott was not healing.
-We have to do something.
-I'll fund a way. Go home with your brother, I have to go, Allison is waiting for me.
-But, Scott!
-Just go!
-I won't leave you!
-I'll be fine.
-You don't look fine, you look the opposite of fine!!
-He'll be alright. -They heard a voice coming from behind them, and turned to see Scott's boss, Alan Deaton.
-...What? How...?
-Trust me. I know a lot more than you think, Carolinne Jane. You can go now, I'll help him.
She looke at Scott, then at Jackson, and back at Deaton.
-Ok. Thank you.
-You're welcome.

All the way to their house, the siblings didn't say a word. It was only after each of them had taken a shower that Jackson showed up in her room.
He walked inside and set on the bed next to her.
-Jackson... After tonight, after seeing the bad side of being a werewolf... Do you still want this?
He sighed, looked deeply into her eyes amd said:
-Yes. Look, if I had the powers, I might have been able to protect myself back there.
-You wouldn't have needed them if you hadn't gotten involved in the first place.
-But I already did. And as you said, now I've seen everything. And I want this. I know what comes with it, and I know all the risks. I want this.
She nodded in defeat and looked back at him:
-In that case, I won't try to stop you.
He tilted his head to the side, surprised with her reaction.
He smiled at her and asked:
-So we're good?
-We're good. -She smiled back. -But, you still owe me for annoying Scott AND nearly giving me a heart attack. I thought he'd already killed you!
He rolled his eyes miockingly.
-And how may I pay my debt, dear sister?
She pretended to think for a second before answering:
-Harry Potter marathon.
He snored.
-Do I have another option?
-Nope! You will watch my favorite sga with me, and you will do it now. -She had a victorious grinn in her lips and he shook his head, giving up.
-Let's get this over with.
She dragged him to the attick and they watched all the 8 movies at once. And to make her experience even more glorious, he actually liked it.

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