Leaving it all behind

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Training with Sirzechs occurred a whole lot more often than I thought could've been possible with the free time he was. It usually happened about once a week and usually lasted about 3 hours each. It actually was fairly uneventful, as it turned out my rage is extremely hard to awaken. Over the course of the next 3 months, Sirzechs helped me to not lose myself to my anger and actually control myself to an extent.


I yelled out in anger again as a massive explosion of energy blasted everything close to me away. My vision started to turn red and flames started to emerge from my fists.

Sirzechs: "Anger can be a weapon Ethan! But only if you can control it to the point of it being another weapon in your arsenal!"

I nodded at his words as I breathed heavily and looked down at the ground. Kratos still appeared in my dreams quite often, so he helped me immensely to NOT snap during these bursts of anger. Just like with the berserker armor, the best way to handle the rage and make it controllable was the thought of someone close to me-that someone usually being Gasper.

I slowly looked up breathing heavily, but still in control of myself after the initial burst of rage, and lunged towards the dummies that Sirzechs set up in the area that we were training in and sent a barrage of punches to them all. I was actually the equivalent to a queen promotion in this state, so I had the speed of a knight on crack, strength of a rook on steroids, and...nothing that really seemed to be resembling a bishop.

Nonetheless, my rage ended after I slammed my fists onto the ground, creating a massive shockwave. The flames around my head dissipated, my breathing calmed down and my vision returned back to normal.

Sirzechs: "Wonderfully done Ethan! You've come a long way since the crazed fighter you were when you first began to use the spartan rage."

I laughed at him.

"Thank you Sirzechs, it's only because of you that I'm able to handle myself this well."

Sirzechs smiled at me.

Sirzechs: "Well then, that concludes our lessons for today Ethan. This might even be your last lesson for now."

"Well if it is the last one, then I'm happy the last words I heard from you were words of pride."

Sirzechs nodded.

Sirzechs: "Now then, you may want to hurry to the Hyoudou household, I hear Gasper is pretty excited to see you again-alongside your niece and nephew of course."

I smiled at the mention of them all before I turned around and made my way to the Hyoudou household. Sirzechs usually brought me to train right outside the Gremory complex in the underworld, so I had to create a portal back to Kuoh town.

Conditions for me in the Hyoudou Household have certainly been...interesting for me. After I nearly ripped Irina apart in a meeting between the factions, she-quite understandably-stayed quite distant from me, which did unnerve me to some extent, but I still understood her viewpoint of me.

What made it even stranger was that pretty much every other girl in the household had that same personality with me. Xenovia and Koneko I quite understood, their personalities backed up the way they acted...even then though I could tell they were unusual. But Rias, Akeno, and Rossweisse...? That's something I can never quite understand. Kiba, Issei, Asia, and Gasper were pretty much the only people I could talk to without receiving a single word response or a response in general.

I was busy thinking about that going through Kuoh Town when Sköll and Hati's voice rang out in my head.

Sköll: "What's on your mind Fǫðurbróðir?"

From pawn to god: A High School DxD crossover storyWhere stories live. Discover now