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"The dragons!" Daenyra exclaimed, her excitement matching her sister's as they joined their brothers and uncle inside the dragon pit.

The dragonkeepers smiled warmly at the princesses. "It's a pleasure to have you here. Would you like to see your dragons?"

"Maybe later. For now, we want to see... Jacaerys, say the word," Daemyra said eagerly, pulling her sister closer to their brothers.

Jacaerys beamed with pride as he commanded Vermax, his excitement evident as the dragon obeyed his command with a burst of flames.

Daenyra's excitement matched her brother's, and they both nodded in approval at his accomplishment. Aegon's eye roll didn't go unnoticed, while Lucerys gravitated toward his sisters, curious about their whispered plans.

As they discussed the dragon they intended to give Aemond, hope flickered in his eyes, a sight the twins found unsettling. Daemyra affirmed their decision with a nod, and Daenyra made her way toward the dragon pit.

"Behold the Pink—" Their words were cut short as someone unexpectedly incinerated the pig.

"Dracarys!" Daenyra's shout echoed through the dragon pit, startling everyone as Midnight, the silver and black dragon beside her, rumbled with readiness.

The princes stepped back instinctively, wary of the sudden burst of flames. Daenyra's disappointment was palpable as she glanced at Jacaerys and Lucerys, her expression conveying her dismay.

Daemyra took matters into her own hands, delivering swift smacks to the heads of the three princes. "Ouch!" they protested, but Daemyra's stern gaze silenced them.

"Where are your manners, Jace and Luke?" Daenyra chided, her disappointment evident as she surveyed the charred remains of the pig.

"It was just a prank!" Aegon attempted to defend himself, but Daenyra's unwavering stare left him feeling sheepish.

"Okay... a prank. But how would you feel if the situation were reversed, and the prank was played on one of you?" Daemyra's voice was firm, her tone reflecting the seriousness of the situation. Julianna and Jaceline's experiences had taught her the importance of empathy and consideration for others' feelings.

The princes fell silent, Jace appearing remorseful while Luke offered Aemond a sympathetic smile. Lucerys, too, regretted his role in the prank, realizing the unintended hurt it had caused.

I'm sorry, Uncle. I didn't mean to," Lucerys said in a sad tone, and Aemond just stared at him. He was always the first to apologize for everything, just to make sure Aemond was happy.

Daenyra's gaze drifted to her dragon, Midnight, whose majestic form shimmered in the dim light of the dragon pit. The dragon's scales glistened like silver under the moonlight, casting an otherworldly glow. Its eyes sparkled like stars, lending it an aura of mystique and power.

Beside her, Daemyra's dragon, Amethyst, exuded an ethereal beauty of its own. Its violet scales caught the light, radiating a soft, iridescent sheen reminiscent of the precious gemstone it was named after. Amethyst's presence was enchanting, captivating all who beheld its splendor.

The Dragonkeeper had remarked on the uniqueness of their dragons, noting that they were unlike any others he had seen. Not only were Midnight and Amethyst larger than average dragons, but their distinctive appearances set them apart as truly exceptional creatures.

Daenyra couldn't help but smile at Midnight, affectionately dubbing it "Black Beauty" for its striking resemblance to a black diamond, while Daemyra admired Amethyst's resplendent beauty, likening it to the precious gemstone from which it took its name.

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