Her maid, Mara, was just as excited to be in a new place as she was, happily braiding her raven locks and helping her get into a cerulean gown. Once she had finished, the two made their way into the lower hall where sounds of ruckus emerged from. 

The two met eyes in suspicion before Cassandra pushed open the doors to reveal a shocking sight. Everyone stopped what they were doing at the sound of the doors opening. It seemed that the two had interrupted a food fight. 

Cassandra's eyes widened and Mara instinctively took a step back. Everyone was covered in food and a particularly pock-faced boy was covered in orange peels. Nobody moved, confused about what to do next. 

"Cassandra?" A voice piped up from the midst of men covered in food. 

Cassandra's head turned to where the voice came from, recognizing the vivid blue eyes and raven hair. She shouldn't have been shocked to see her brother in such a state, ever the troublesome sibling. 

Lifting her hand, she waved and smiled sheepishly at everyone in the hall as she greeted the young Lord Robert Baratheon who was covered in pie. 

"Hello, brother dear. Surprise?"


Once the mess have been cleared and everyone had settled in, many eyes wandered to look at the woman that had disrupted their antics. 

They whispered amongst themselves, having heard many tales of the Doe of the Stormlands. The only daughter of Lord Steffon Baratheon and Lady Cassana Estermont. They had heard the stories of her beauty, grace, and serenity. Indeed, many of them remarked on her doe-like eyes and long, dark hair. 

With those stories came the rumors of her upbringing, how she was raised sheltered, bred to be a proper young lady before being sent away to King's Landing. They all seemed to radiate toward her gentle demeanor and warm smile, like perfect porcelain with no cracks. 

Their eyes and whispers followed the two siblings as they left the great hall to talk privately in the small garden nearby. Once out of sight, Cassandra stepped into her brother's embrace, his large arms almost like a furnace as he wrapped her in his warmth. It had been too long and she missed him. 

Robert hugged his little sister tightly, picking her up, and spinning her just as he did when they were little. "What in seven hells are you doing here, little doe?" 

"I thought you'd be happier to see me." Cassandra teased once he put her down, placing her arm around his as he led her around the evergreen trees, the blue flowers shining through the various colors.  

"I am happy to see you! Happier than seeing a voluptuous barmaid." He defended, wagging his eyebrows suggestively. 

She wrinkled her nose at him, expressing her disdain at his words. "You're still as disgusting as ever, I must say. Might I remind you, you are in the presence of a lady." 

He snorted, suppressing his laughter. "A lady? Sure, I'll watch my words in the event that I see one." 

"You pig!" She glared up at him, reaching up to tug on his short hair, knowing how much he hated when she did that. 

"Ow! My hair!" He howled in pain before pulling her braid, smiling victoriously when she yelped.

"Hey! I came all this way to visit you! I'm going to write to father and tell him what you have been up to." She retorted, cradling her hair as she felt her propriety leave her, wanting nothing more than to shave her brother's head clean. 

He glowered at her, preparing to push her into the shrubbery. "Why you little-"

"Pardon my intrusion." A hesitant voice interrupted the two, almost as if they were unsure if they were going to stop a fight, laugh it off, or call for a maester.

The two siblings turned to the man who spoke, both of them with messy hair. Robert had his hands up, almost as if he was prepared to shove his sister, but his face brightened at the sight of the other man. "Ned!" 

Cassandra recognized the other man from the hall, though only now was she able to see his features clearly without being obscured by pieces of food. Eddard Stark was a young man with a lean form. 

His face was framed by brown hair and his eyes were the color of a wolf's fur, dark grey in its depths. Although they resembled the frost, she could sense the kindness and warmth within them. 

Ned cleared his throat. "Lord Arryn sent me to fetch the two of you as the food is ready. Again." 

"No need to be so formal, my friend. It is just us. Besides, my sister is used to my antics." Robert mused, placing an arm around his friend before grinning at his sister. "Truce?" 

Cassandra rolled her eyes playfully, nodding. "Truce." 

Robert introduced the two, waving his hand around. "Ned, I would like you to meet my favorite sister, Cassandra Baratheon. Little doe, this is my dearest friend, Eddard Stark." 

"Hello, Lord Stark. It is a pleasure to meet you. Not many people can tolerate my brother. Myself included." Cassandra extended her hand toward the man. 

Ned took her hand in his, his larger hand encompassing her smaller one in a gentle grip. His eyes wandered over her face intently, almost as if he was in awe of her. Cassandra did not know how to react, her cheeks tinged pink at his gaze. 

"Rude." Robert uttered to himself before noticing that his friend had not moved or spoken in response. "Ned, has the cold finally gotten to you?" 

"I-forgive me. It is wonderful to meet you, Lady Cassandra." Ned shook himself from his stupor, lifting her hand to his lips to press a soft kiss upon it, his eyes never leaving hers. 

Robert interjected, stepping in between the two. "Alright, I'm starving. Let's eat." 

As he led the way to the lower hall, his stomach grumbling in anticipation, Robert failed to notice his friend offering his arm to his sister. He failed to notice the ice in his friend's eyes melting at the sight of her. 

A heart was felled that day but it seemed the Baratheon siblings were all too oblivious to it. 


Hello everyone! Thank you so much for your support for this book! Really, I am so grateful for all of you. It is so hard to believe but there really was a food fight in the original books which is why I wanted to include it. 

Also, this book will be a slow burn so there will be a lot going on, as you can tell from this chapter teehee. I hope you enjoy the things I have planned. Stay tuned and sending you all my love <3!

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