24. Bowling Rumors

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A Poet's Progress
By Fox-Trot-9

24. Bowling Rumors

In the manly bowling alley, I
Heard someone say that I got
A seven-ten split one or two games
Ago. Indeed, I at one lucky time did
Have such a score, but others say I cheated.
For instance, some drunkard said I had
Metal kneecaps and a bionic
Left arm and hand, which gives me
Unfair advantages in the bowling approach.
For starters, I don't have such devices.
All my smooth releases came from countless
Trials and errors. Also, another guy said I have
A remote-controlled bowling ball
That always knocks down all or most
Of the pins, my dad controlling
It with a hidden remote. That is complete
Garbage! Although I seem smart,
I don't have a clue how to install a magnet
That could still work without shattering
Into smithereens from the impact with the pins.
These rumors are unsubstantial and stupid!
Why would I make something fun into something
Complex? It doesn't make any sense.
So to all envious bowler:
"Just because I'm short doesn't
Make my bowling suck!" 

(To be continued...)

A/N: My bowling average is around 130, so I'm not saying I'm the next Stormin' Norton or anything. The highest I bowled is 150. That halfway to 300, a perfect game. I prefer to look at the glass as half full, instead of half empty. ( ^_^ )

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