Start of a New Journey

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Disclaimer: I don't own either of the franchises. Kamen Rider belongs to Toei. The Fate Series belongs to Type-Moon… Wow, Deja vu...


"Why did you do this?!" "It is my duty." Was it worth it? ...What was it in the first place?

"We thought you were our friend!" "You thought wrong. I no longer have friends." Who was I deceiving? Them, or myself?

More stood against me. Why was I fighting them? Why did I want to fight them?

"In the end, it came to this… Why?" That man had tears running down his cheeks, upset and angry at… me? "Transform already." "...Henshin."

Why? The reason eludes me… No matter how much I desire the truth, I never learn it.

"Didn't you want to prove the World wrong? To escape the fate thrust upon you?" "I did." Who was I speaking to? "Then why did you do it? Why did you kill them? "I… I…"


"I… Huh?" The teenage boy slowly opened his eyes, tears slowly running down his cheeks. "I'm crying again…" He quietly muttered as he touched the teardrops on his face. The boy wiped them away as he sat up from his bed.

"What time is it?" He tiredly asked as he glanced at the alarm clock on the bedside table. Flashing on the digital screen in red was 5:49. "Still early, huh?"

The boy could not go to sleep. Even though he was still tired, the dream practically guaranteed that he was not able to get any more shut-eye. That dream had always terrified him for reasons he does not know, for reasons he cannot remember.

"Remember…" He mumbled, his blue eyes falling on the old magenta-and-black camera that was next to his clock. That word implied that he once knew what happened in that dream and why it did. But he did not want to know why, and he did not want to know why he did not know. Even if they could shed the reason he no longer remembers his past.

It was a conundrum. He wanted to know why he couldn't remember his past, but he did not want to know what happened in his past.

"Well, there's no use thinking about it now." Fujimaru Ritsuka mumbled as he got out of his bed and got ready for the day.


Across the Kaleidoscope

Chapter 1: The Start of A New Journey


30 minutes later…

Ritsuka yawned as he walked down the stairs of his dorm building. He now wore a school uniform, a black short-sleeved button-down dress shirt with a white collar and cuffs along with black pants. Hanging around his neck was the camera that was next to his bed.

When he reached the bottom of the steps, he spotted someone near the front entrance sweeping the floor, humming to herself.

"Good morning, Sumida-san." The black-haired boy greeted her.

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