Chapter 9

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Jin hugged Jungkook long enough to calm him down, he just kept crying on Jin's shoulder and tightened his embrace, he really looked like he needed a backup at that time, even though he survived it wasn't because his heart was strong but because he didn't have the choice to leave, after all he loved someone who had broken his heart. It's very difficult for him.

"You can tell me everything, don't keep it to yourself, isn't it hard to feel it alone hmm?"

Without Jungkook realizing it, he started to tell everything, yes really everything was told to Jin, Jungkook wasn't that open with other people especially when they just got to know each other. But we don't know why Jungkook feels so comfortable talking to Jin. He felt like he had known Jin for a very long time.

"Then why don't you just leave him? He has hurt you so much and you already know everything, so why are you holding on? If you knew you wouldn't be his priority"

"I think everyone already knows the reason, his friends and maybe you also know why I'm still hanging on with him. I've been too dependent on him, he paid for all my needs and my brother Yoongi, he also already knows how I am and I have gave him the most important thing in me, I think you know about that too, you're his friend right?"

"Jungkook, but now that you've got a job, you're going to earn money from your own hard work and use that to pay for your needs and for your brother, and for sex? You're not who you thought Jungkook, it's not that you gave your virginity to him then you'll continue to be attached to him , I'm also not a good guy, but seeing you like this hurts me too, no matter how much you love him, if your heart is hurt by him, then leave it, if he loves you, he won't make you beg for attention from him, right?"

Jungkook released his comfortable hug and looked at Jin.

"Thanks Jin, you're right, I just haven't had the courage to make that decision yet, my heart still loves him and ignores the pain I feel, but I'll give it a try"

"Now stop crying" Jin wiped the tears off Jungkook's cheeks, their eyes looked at each other, with one hand Jin still covered Jungkook's cheek. The gaze that made their faces get closer and closer and Jungkook unconsciously closed his eyes, when their lips almost touched, Jin's phone rang. Make them move away from each other and look awkward.

Jin looked at his phone and it was Hoseok, he chose not to answer it, it was Sunday after all.

"Why didn't you pick up the phone? Was it from your boyfriend?"

"No, it's from Hoseok, I don't have a boyfriend, oh yeah, do you want to go home? Or do you want to go somewhere else? Let me take you"

"No need, I was going to the supermarket, I can go alone"

"Why do you have to be alone? I can take you"

"But I'm sure you had other plans before meeting me"

"Yes, I'm going to Hoseok's house, but I'm more interested in going to the supermarket with you, let me take you, wear your seat belt." Jin started wearing his seat belt and went to the supermarket.

Jungkook only looked at Jin at that time, he was very different from Taehyung, he preferred to accompany Jungkook rather than his friends, he even wanted to listen to all of Jungkook's stories patiently without interrupting a bit, his shoulder was also the best place to rest for him. Jungkook looked back at him when he realized he had been looking at Jin for too long.

When they arrived at the supermarket, Jin took the trolley and they went inside.

"Take whatever you need" while walking around, Jin stopped in a milk aisle, he saw a milk box that he had never seen before, he thought it was brand new.

"Is your wife pregnant?" An old lady approached him.


"Jin, I've got everything" Jungkook approached Jin and was surprised to see what Jin was holding.

"Ah it turns out husband, is your husband pregnant? Milk is good for your husband's nutrition, you guys look perfect, look at your husband's face, very beautiful" they just kept quiet listening to it all.

"Thank you" Jin said smiling at the old lady.

"I'll go first, I hope your birth goes well" The old lady smiled at Jungkook and he smiled back.

After that person left, Jungkook couldn't stop laughing, the incident was very funny, Jin immediately put his milk on the shelf again.

"Why are you laughing?"

"Why do you take milk for pregnant people?"

"I can't see the information, why is the information so small, after all there are no pictures of pregnant people"

"You're so funny" Jungkook kept on laughing and seeing him like that was really adorable.

When they queued to pay for all the items Jungkook took in the trolley, they were 4th in the queue. While waiting for Jin to feel from another queue there are two people who are watching Jungkook. He turned to look at Jungkook but he was busy looking into the trolley to make sure he had all his things taken.

"Jin don't you want to buy something?" Jungkook turned to look at Jin but he seemed to be watching two men in another queue.

"Hey what's wrong?" Jungkook patted Jin's shoulder.

"Look, the two men have been watching you from earlier, I don't like to see it"

"Why? He has eyes, what's wrong with him seeing me?"

"He looks like a pervert, looking at you while smiling, surely his brain is imagining something" Jin frowned as if he didn't like the attitude of the two men. Then an idea popped into Jin's brain.

Finally it was their turn to pay, the two men were still watching Jungkook who was busy taking things from the trolley to the cashier counter.

"I want a king sized condom, please" Jungkook widened his eyes and turned to Jin beside him, he didn't say anything, the same thing happened to the cashier and the two men, not because of the condom but because of the size.

Jin put his arm around Jungkook's shoulder and pulled him close to him.

"What's wrong baby? No need to be shy baby" Jin kissed Jungkook on the forehead, making his face blush, and the two men immediately looked away from them. Feeling that he had succeeded in getting them to stop staring at Jungkook, he let go of his embrace.

"You two are so good together" the cashier said.

"Thank you" Jin said as he took out his wallet and gave his black card to the cashier. Jungkook was silent, he was still shocked by Jin's previous action.

When they put all the groceries into the trunk, Jungkook was seen smiling looking at Jin.

"What's wrong? Don't get me wrong, I didn't do that because I'm a pervert, I just don't like them seeing you".

"I know, but you're so funny, even though they only see me, there's nothing wrong with that, but you're like someone who's jealous"

Hearing those words Jin realized that Jungkook's words were true, what he was doing was as if he was jealous they were looking at Jungkook.

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