17. Day Off, Shopping

Start from the beginning


Spider-Man had gotten himself into quite a pickle, as he sat perched on the top of a street lamp.

Ugh! And could he even go shopping as Spider-Man? Would that even work? It would definitely look a bit suspicious.

But then he saw the small shopping centre just down the road catching his attention in the corner of his eye, open doors tempting him in.

He groaned. 'Oh what the hell,' he thought, as he stretched up on the lamp, and swung himself down in front of the automated glass doors.

As soon as he touched down on the ground, many people gasped in shock and awe, some stumbling back a little at his sudden presence in the middle of the sidewalk.

"Well, so much for going quietly," he mumbled.

"Spider-man?" A voice spoke to his left making him turn his head to see Fubuki, as beautiful as usual.

"Hey Fubuki." Spider-man said, he asked innocently, "Were you going shopping too?"

Fubuki was simply smiling at the grey and black costumed hero, she nodded her head in a yes manner, "Want to shop together? It'd be much faster that way."

"Yeah, sure."

All the people stared, as the two casually strolled into the grocery store.

The gasps and reactions increased when his unmistakable, brightly coloured grey and black clad form entered the doors, with one of the ladies at the cash register even dropping something when she saw him.

They all looked scared for a second, flitting their eyes around, half expecting a burglar or criminal to jump out of nowhere, but were surprised when Spidey simply ignored this, and calmly walked over, picking up a shopping basket.

What happened next was quite intriguing, as Spider-man had never really done this before - at least not in a popular place - and the people's reactions were quite surprising.

'Right, what's first?' He thought, 'Organic eggs, of course, always eggs. Ah, milk, bread, butter, tomatoes, cheese, mince, basil, err, carrots and spaghetti. Yes I think that's it, oh and cereal,' he recalled, as he listed off all the things he had to get. He hadn't realised he'd been standing there with his head in his hand as he'd been remembering this. And the people were surprised at seeing Spider-man look so, normal.

Oblivious, Spider-man immediately looked up, taking his hand away from his red eyes, and strolled right towards the first isle as Fubuki followed.

Quickly reaching the eggs section, he searched for the cheapest organic ones before moving forward to take one off the pile, Fubuki grabs one as well, started as a man who had also been looking at the eggs jumped and yelled out when he turned to see Spider-man standing practically right next to his face.

Spider-man instantly yelped and dropped the eggs he'd been holding. But instead of shattering, the man who'd startled him moved at lightning speed for a human, and caught the delicate eggs before they hit the ground.

"Oh Spider-man I'm so sorry, you just startled me is all, I didn't see you there. I'm so sorry!" the man desperately apologised, looking terribly sorry for scaring the hero.

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