To Become a Queen

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Niall sighed as he leaned back in his chair, looking around the bar. He had been content to stay at the Dark Court, but Seth had dragged him out, saying it would do some good to be distracted. Otherwise he might drive himself crazy sitting around waiting for Maeve to call or message.

His shadows hovered around him, sensing his agitation. He wasn't angry, no. But he couldn't seem to settle, feeling on edge the more time that passed. But still, he wouldn't reach out to her, determined to let Maeve come to him when she was ready. If she ever was ready.

He took a drink of his beer, his eyes once again roaming across the bar. Seth remained silent at his side, knowing that he would speak when he wanted to talk. And for now, he preferred to sit in silence.

But then he felt something. A slight shift in the air.

Niall sat up in his chair, feeling as though something was coming towards him, but he didn't know what. He fixed his eyes on the crowd, waiting. And then suddenly it parted. And he saw her.

His eyes widened slightly as he watched Maeve walk towards him, a brilliant smile on her face and her charm gone. He knew that he wasn't the only one who sensed the power emanating from her as other faeries turned to watch her. It wasn't nearly as strong as him or the other monarchs, but it was stronger than the average faery.

More than that, she was wearing a tank top, allowing everyone to see her scarred skin but yet, held her head up high.

Like a true queen.

The closer she got, the more his agitation abated as a calm fell over him. Without thinking, he found himself on his feet, walking to meet her.

"Maeve," he said softly as he reached her.

"I know that this is all confusing and in a lot of ways, it makes no sense," she said before he could say anything else. "But, one thing I do know... I want to be with you, Niall."

He couldn't speak as he let that one phrase wash over him. She had chosen him. Maeve reached out, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him closer.

"This... is who I am. And if being with you means that I accept taking on the Dark Court with you, then that's what I want," she continued. "And I know now that... I am strong enough. I want to do this - rule the Dark Court - with you."

He couldn't help as he broke out into a grin, his hands finding her waist. All the worry and fear he had felt earlier completely disappeared as he stared down into her eyes. It felt like the world had finally settled around him and was no longer spinning out of control.

"All I want is to be with you," he replied.

Maeve grinned up at him as he bent down and took her lips in a kiss.

It was if that one kiss had unlocked the heat of a thousand suns. As soon as their lips touched a fire roared to life within Niall and he was desperately clinging to Maeve, using her to somehow keep himself grounded. If he thought what he had felt before was intense, this was tenfold more so.

"Niall," Maeve said breathlessly, pulling away from him.

"Mmm?" he replied, trying to kiss her again, unable to control himself.

"Think we should take this somewhere more private?"

He stopped and glanced around, his eyes wide as every human and faery in the bar was watching them. He then looked down, seeing he had one hand already up Maeve's shirt and had pulled her flush against him.

"Right," he said, noting her flushed cheeks. She smiled and nodded, starting to walk away, but keeping his hand firmly in hers.

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