Letting Go & Moving Forward

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Everything was hazy. The room was spinning around her, even when she closed her eyes.

Maeve sat on the floor in her living room, staring at the empty fireplace as she brought the bottle up to her lips, gulping down more of the liquid that burned down her throat. She sputtered slightly and weaved, turning her head to look at the coffee table.

She had started with a glass, but graduated to just drinking straight from the bottle when it took too long to pour and she kept missing anyway. She snorted in laughter.

"Like mother, like daughter," she sang to the empty apartment, looking around and taking in the dark enclosing around her.

She hadn't bothered turning on any of the lights as the sun started going down, preferring to sit in the impending darkness.

"Dark like my soul," she mused before taking another drink.

At least now all the thoughts that had been causing her head to ache and spin earlier were dulled. This was better, she decided. Better than worrying and thinking in circles. Or coming to terms with the fact that her father was some sort of sadistic faery - no, had been a fucking Dark King.

Or the fact that she was somehow destined to be some sort of dark, evil faery queen.

She snorted again, finding the thought more amusing than it should be. Her mother would be thrilled, she was sure. Or perhaps she should tell her mother's doctors that she believed in faeries too. Maybe they would lock her up with her mother and she could spend the rest of her days in a drug-induced haze not thinking about faeries or Dark Courts or Summer Courts.

Or Niall.

She frowned as her thoughts latched onto him and she could see his face in her mind. How gentle and kind he was. Him telling her that she wasn't a monster. That nothing in her past was her fault.

"That's a big fat lie," she stated once again to the empty apartment. She took another drink.


She slowly swung her head around, seeing two Aislinns walk into the apartment, flipping on lights. She winced and hissed as the light blinded her slightly. She had been sitting in the dark for too long.

"Oh my God, are you okay?"

Maeve blinked her eyes open, seeing her cousin rush over to her, dropping down on the floor in front of her. A balmy, summer heat wafted off her and wrapped around Maeve like a warm blanket. She wondered why she had been afraid of Aislinn the first time she saw her as the Summer Queen.

"I'm fine," she slurred, still weaving from side to side.

"You're drunk," Aislinn stated.

"Ding, ding, ding! You get a prize!" Maeve shouted with a laugh. Aislinn frowned as she looked at the mostly empty bottle in Maeve's hand and sighed. She then grabbed it, pulling it from Maeve's hand and standing. "Hey... I wasn't done with that!"

"I think you've had enough," Aislinn said, putting the bottle on the counter and starting up the coffee pot.

Maeve blinked a few times, trying to focus on the bottle. If she was quick, she could probably get over there and grab it before Aislinn took it away again. She reached out, bracing herself on the coffee table and pushing herself up, faltering slightly as she tried to remain standing.

Aislinn was suddenly at her side, helping her to sit on the couch before she toppled over.

"Just... sit down, okay?" Aislinn said, her face full of worry. Once Maeve was settled, she handed her a bottle of water. "Drink this."

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