To Feel Safe

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Niall stood just outside the large factory-turned-apartment building seeing the lights still on in the corner third floor apartment. The windows were large and uncovered, but he still couldn't see into it from this angle.

He wasn't exactly sure why he was there. This was the Summer Queen's cousin, which would place her firmly off limits once Aislinn found out that she was back in town. Probably put her under their protection immediately, though Keenan could care less.

There was an uneasy peace among the courts for the time being, but who knew how long that would last.

"Was wondering where you got off to," Irial said lightly.

Niall turned, watching as he sauntered up to him with his usual smirk. While it had been awhile since he had shown up, Niall wasn't completely surprised to see him. His shadows danced happily around Irial, making it clear how they felt about his presence.

"Just wanted to get some air," Niall said, looking back to the windows.

Irial followed his view and then looked back at his successor, a grin appearing.

"What's this? Found another one so soon?" he asked. Niall frowned.

"No," he said quickly. "Just... checking on her... she's new to town and... intriguing."

Irial chuckled as he pulled out a cigarette and lighter.

"How so?" he asked before lighting it. "Pretty? Witty?"

Niall thought for a moment before answering, remembering the small bit of skin he had seen on her neck. Maeve had tossed her head back in laughter, her dark hair falling away while the scarf had slid down slightly. It was just a glimpse, but he had seen the discolored flesh. As she was in another long-sleeve sweater and he knew that she was in a car accident, he deduced that the scars must cover most of her body.

He then thought to her dark blue eyes, the hint of pain and grief that still clung to them though she was smiling.

"Different," he said finally.

Irial's eyebrows rose as he looked back to the windows.

"Must be interesting if she caught your fancy. Though you do always go for the broken ones," he mused.

"Not much room for you to speak," Niall replied, not looking at him.

Part of him couldn't help but think that Maeve wasn't broken. Despite what he had sensed in her and had heard about her, there was also an underlying strength. That she had survived whatever horrors she had seen and come out on the other side.

Not broken, but stronger.

Though how he sensed any of this in someone he just met was anyone's guess. Irial sighed and nodded.

"Suppose that is true," he said. "What's her name?"

"Maeve. And she's the Summer Queen's cousin," Niall said. Irial laughed loudly.

"You have a death wish, my friend," he said, causing Niall to look over at him. "Mortal and related to the Summer Queen... I highly doubt she will like it if you take up with her cousin after what happened the last time."

"I have no intentions of doing anything with her cousin. I just... I'm curious to know more about her," Niall retorted. His shadows moved closer to his side. "And you were the one that did the most harm to Leslie."

Irial stopped laughing, a rare serious look coming over his face.

"I thought we had moved on from that," he said softly.

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