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Maeve couldn't help as she paced around her apartment. Aislinn would be there in a few minutes. She had gone over and over what she would say to her nearly all day as she cleaned and rearranged the place, too nervous to sit still or relax.

This was Ash, she kept reminding herself. Even if she was the new Summer Queen, that didn't mean that anything had to change between them. They had been close when they were younger. Told each other their secrets- well, most of them, anyway. Even with the shock of finding out that Aislinn was no longer human, they were still family. This would be okay. Ash wouldn't turn away from her just because she was half-faery.

Even if the person responsible for that half had been part of the Dark Court.

Maeve froze as there was a knock on the door. She quickly rushed over, pausing to glance in a mirror and double-check that her scarf was in place. She then turned to the door and pasted a smile on her face as she opened it.

"Maeve," Aislinn said with a smile as she stepped forward and hugged her.

Maeve tried hard not to look at the guards that were just behind her. All those years of pretending that they weren't there and now she was about to slip up. Though in the big scheme of things, it probably didn't matter. The whole point of today was to tell her the truth.

"Come on in," Maeve said, trying to ignore the temperature of Aislinn's skin and where it took her mind.

Intense heat. Flames licking at her skin. Her own shrieks of pain as she shouted for Christopher to wake up. For someone to help them.

"This place looks great," Aislinn said, looking around at the apartment. "Seriously."

"Thanks," Maeve said, going to the kitchen to retrieve the tea she had made.

She took a few moments to get her heart and breathing under control. It wasn't Ash's fault that she reacted this way to her. She was Summer incarnate and not like she knew what memories that heat would dredge up in Maeve's mind.

She walked into the living room, two mugs in her hands as Aislinn stood at the windows, looking out at the street below.

"Great view, huh?" Maeve said, stepping up to her side.

Aislinn looked at her and nodded, accepting the mug. Maeve looked down, seeing more faeries loitering than usual. Probably because Aislinn was there and she was bound to attract attention. She then turned and walked over to the sofa, sitting.

"Sorry I ran out the other day... I..."

Maeve stopped, forgetting whatever excuse she had come up with earlier. She had spent a rather long time thinking of it, but just as she was about to say it, it fluttered out of her head.

"It's okay," Aislinn said as she sat next to her, putting her mug down on the coffee table. "I think I can understand why." Maeve's eyes widened. Shit. Did Aislinn already know? "How long have you been able to see faeries?"

Maeve breathed a sigh of relief and chuckled, shaking her head. She thought that's all it was. Right. Aislinn had no reason to think that she was faery. Probably thought she had inherited the gift as well.

"Always," she admitted. "But... Mom said I couldn't tell anyone."

Aislinn reached out and squeezed her hand.

"I get it. Grams told me the same thing," she replied.

"But... you're..."

"Yea, I wasn't always. This happened about a year ago," Aislinn said, motioning to her hair. "Apparently I'm some long prophesized Summer Queen."

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